Been In Brown Too Long
Ex-Package Donkey
Well, I'll start by saying 9.5 protections didn't exist. 8 hour requests didn't exist. Abiding by max day on road regulations didn't really exist for package car drivers. My first peak driving season in 1989 I punched in at 8am and out at 11pm every day from the week prior to Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve. There was no fake pressure, it was some point, you just want to go friend'n home, get some sleep, spend a minute or two with the kids. It wasn't about management pressures as you're assuming. I couldn't care less about their wishes, wants or demands.I'm really curious why any of you guys viewed December (supposed PEAK) any differently than any of the other months with a different name.
Whenever I have to work I treat any day, week or month exactly the same. It's as if you brought that fake pressure or extra sense of urgency upon yourselves by buying into their BS rah rah peak playbook.
And another reason why I can't understand why the union has gone along with their crap for this long in not allowing optional days or vacation during this time. Along with the suspension of 8 hour requests and the 9.5 list put on the shelf for the duration.
Nice job brothers.....keep caving in and buying what they sell.
And stop with the caving schtick. It's because of us old timers, you even have the 9.5 list, the 8hr requests, etc. Those are things WE bargained for. Stop talking about the union as if it's some separate entity. You are the union. You don't like the suspension of 8hr requests, 9.5 list or inability to take vacation, do something about it. Every contract you have the ability to make contract changes. Lobby the union to make the changes you want instead of just blaming the union, although I guess that's the easier route to take.