Wrong shipping weight


Well-Known Member
One thing to keep in mind also is that if a shipper is sending out 10 boxes to one consignee that ave different weights, we allow them to use the average weight for that shipment.
Now as far as the safety aspect, I can see a problem with incorrect weights on O/70s but doesn't our work methods tell us to test all packages for weight and possible shifting contents before actually lifting? I very seldom look at the weight on a package label before picking it up, I would much rather trust my weight test.
Aren't all O/70s supposed to labeled with highlight tape?
Brownie hound,
It is NOT his problem! He has a ton of other issues to deal with including stops per hours and getting done by 9/5. What more is a driver going to do then tell his supervisor? The supervisors get paid good money to handle these situations and have the contacts with the right people including the customer service rep and the billing dept. I understand that you think that you are doing the right thing, but its not your job to do anything more than tell your suit. Should he protest picking up the package? hell no
Do you job let the others do theirs. If you really want to be a hero, place the package in a select area of your truck and grab one of the rev recovery people when you get back to the building. While he is auditing your truck, go to the soda machine and buy him a soda. What type of action would you plan on taking brownie other that telling a supervisor? If you want a bigger paycheck, get some sales leads or help out a fellow driver who is over dispatched. Blaming a .35 cent raise on this is absurd.