You Might Be Libertarian if you are analytical in your political beliefs


Well-Known Member
I would be libertarian leaning, but not a no-tolerance knucklehead. For instance, I think it's a good idea for everyone to chip in for a fire truck rather than fight fires with buckets.

But when politicians pass a law, I think they have to consider the worst person enforcing it, and write it accordingly. For instance, the law about drinking in the park after sunset was supposed to allow police to break up parties at midnight, not issue tickets to moms with their 3 year old walking through the park a minute after sunset.
Was she drinking?


Well-Known Member
Dims are emotional and so are Repugs

So the online libertarians? Whether or not you agree with them, they deserve higher status for their analytical proclivities. I say bring ’em on.

So if you aren’t a libertarian, maybe you ought to give that philosophy another look. It’s a relatively exclusive club, replete with people who are politically engaged, able to handle abstract arguments and capable of deeper reflection.

... being very analytical, in some ways, puts you out of touch with the American citizenry.

For the 2016 election, one group that measured as especially nonanalytical was Democrats who crossed party lines and voted for Donald Trump. There is a stereotype of a less well-educated voter, perhaps both white and male, who reacts negatively and emotionally to Hillary Clinton, who decided to vote for Trump even if Trump’s actual policies will not prove in his best interest.

Your premise is flawed, your argument is nonsense.

Try again.


I would be libertarian leaning, but not a no-tolerance knucklehead. For instance, I think it's a good idea for everyone to chip in for a fire truck rather than fight fires with buckets.

But when politicians pass a law, I think they have to consider the worst person enforcing it, and write it accordingly. For instance, the law about drinking in the park after sunset was supposed to allow police to break up parties at midnight, not issue tickets to moms with their 3 year old walking through the park a minute after sunset.

Why’s mom drinking before sunset while pushing a baby

Is the better question


I'm a star
People rely too much on labels, and now the definitions on almost every label has been blurred into a slurry so convoluted everyone thinks anyone who doesn't share their label is a nazi by default.


Well-Known Member
i was watching a noam chomsky video and he calls the american deviation of libertarianism "anti libertarianism" because it encourages private tyrannies aka corporations.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I am a typical American Libertarian.
Fiscal Conservative/Social Liberal.

If you don't hurt me or others, I like you.
If you don't take my stuff, I like you.
You do drugs in moderation, I like you.
You are LGBT, I love you.
You have tats, I really like you!
You cook for me, I love you.

You are mean to others, we got issues.
You bully others, we got issues.
You think others should live their lives according to your standards, I don't like you one :censored2:ing bit.


Well-Known Member
I am a typical American Libertarian.
Fiscal Conservative/Social Liberal.

If you don't hurt me or others, I like you.
If you don't take my stuff, I like you.
You do drugs in moderation, I like you.
You are LGBT, I love you.
You have tats, I really like you!
You cook for me, I love you.

You are mean to others, we got issues.
You bully others, we got issues.
You think others should live their lives according to your standards, I don't like you one :censored2:ing bit.

Aside from the first sentence, I agree with everything you posted, but I don’t consider myself a Libertarian.


Staff member
Dims are emotional and so are Repugs

So the online libertarians? Whether or not you agree with them, they deserve higher status for their analytical proclivities. I say bring ’em on.

So if you aren’t a libertarian, maybe you ought to give that philosophy another look. It’s a relatively exclusive club, replete with people who are politically engaged, able to handle abstract arguments and capable of deeper reflection.

... being very analytical, in some ways, puts you out of touch with the American citizenry.

For the 2016 election, one group that measured as especially nonanalytical was Democrats who crossed party lines and voted for Donald Trump. There is a stereotype of a less well-educated voter, perhaps both white and male, who reacts negatively and emotionally to Hillary Clinton, who decided to vote for Trump even if Trump’s actual policies will not prove in his best interest.
Pseudo analytical puke.


Well-Known Member
I would have thought you would not agree with:
"If you don't take my stuff, I like you."

The Government does this all the time.

There’s a limit to that.

Excessive anything is a drag to me, but I don’t see taxes as ‘the government taking my stuff’...of course that’s what’s happening, but I’m blessed to live in a state with amazing schools, decent roads, above-par social services, generally very low crime, etc.

All of that doesn’t happen in a vacuum, so to the extent that I enjoy the municipal reality that I currently live in, yah, I’m okay with the taxman.

(I’m speaking mostly about local issues, but I suppose I can carry it over to the Federal level in terms of ‘what happens as a collective vs. what could I do all by myself’...

I’m not hip on a lot of crap the federal government does, but that’s what elections are for, starting at the local level...)