Ponies and Planes
I certainly do not think you would have posted inaccurate information purposely.
On the other hand, you said "I think" in one sentence and then spent 3 paragraphs on how they are being taken advantage of.
Is your position really balanced, or are you looking for facts to support a one sided opinion?
While you call yourself as having a reality spin, you call others who post facts dishonest....
Allow me to clarify. I was not inferring that any of the posters, in this thread or any of the threads related to compensation, are dishonest. It's not dishonest to post what one believes, if it's done in good faith.
I believe there are ulterior motives that are not announced when changes are implemented. They have the facts, they know the projected financial outcome and they know the intent of the change. In each change that I am aware of, the stated purpose has been spun with ONLY having a positive effect on the affected employees.
My "reality spin" refers to my observation that EVERY change has resulted in a negative financial impact (thus positive cost impact to the company) to the lower level management employee in future years after changes are announced.