your fantasy tactic against Russia.

El Correcto

god is dead
its already a slaughter for them. Inflict the maximum pain on the russians possible.
The maximum pain would be turning it into an atrocity and destroying whatever the russians hope to gain. Make it meaningless for Putin and let him face the political ramifications for the botched slaughter he ordered.

I think it’s the only reason China doesn’t just take Taiwan, they are going to make sure it’s egg on the face of anyone who tries it.


Strength through joy
Who will be taking in all the war refugees ?
Seeing how Europe has already been overrun with economic refugees.
Will they be sent packing to make room ?

El Correcto

god is dead
There not suicidal. There probably will be some resistance for a while, but the Russkies don’t mess around. They :censored2:ed up the Nazis pretty bad.
Russian winter :censored2:ed up the Nazis. Russia’s main survival tactic is retreating toward the only city worth being in that country and letting that god forsaken hell scape kill off anyone stupid enough to go in there.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Russian winter :censored2:ed up the Nazis. Russia’s main survival tactic is retreating toward the only city worth being in that country and letting that god forsaken hell scape kill off anyone stupid enough to go in there.
They fought in the summer too. Battle of Kursk comes to mind.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Russia will run through Ukraine, it won't be any resistance, there are already reports of the Ukraine mitary throwing their arms down
i think you underestimate the will of the ukranians to keep fighting long after Russia occupies their country which they will probably do quickly.
k. enjoy your 10 buck a gallon gas next week.
So what do you wanna do pal you tell me. Your gonna go and fight the Russians on a suicide mission for the demented pedophile in chief? God bless.

Or maybe they could send the college boys who think they’re girls? Them ruskis might be pretty intimidated by that


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
So what do you wanna do pal you tell me. Your gonna go and fight the Russians on a suicide mission for the demented pedophile in chief? God bless.

Or maybe they could send the college boys who think they’re girls? Them ruskis might be pretty intimidated by that
I'll send you