Your horoscope is quite possibly wrong


golden ticket member
It seems that the UPS C.E.O. Scott Davis, also got shuffled around and is now an Ophiuchus. His birthday is 12-12-51. My hubby is 12-12-48. So neither is Sagittarius anymore.


Für Meno :)
Just for your info:

Ophiu-what? What is this new sign?

Ophiuchus (pronounced “of-ee-yoo-kuh s”) is named after the constellation of the same name, which is on the celestial equator between Libra and Aquila.

If your sign is now Ophiuchus, astrologers say you can expect the traits of luck, harmony, and being a seeker of wisdom.


The Nim
I refuse to change from Libra, but dammit if I can't see traits in Virgo that apply... Wait, I think that's another Libra trait. Score!


Senior Member
I never read my horoscope, but this thread made me look it up.
What a crock.
I highlighted the most absurd parts.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Gemini of the Day: John friend. Kennedy
Lucky Numbers: 12, 26, 14, 35, 16, 22
Gemini, this is your time to take charge and lead everyone on. Like our Gemini of the day, this is when everyone is looking at you to take control. Bring your friends into the light and enjoy the sunshine of your glory and admiration from those around you. Some will want to give you wonderful gifts and offer trips to places of your dreams. Take your prizes but remember from past experiences that there is no such thing as a free meal. Even though you are the great leader, remember that there are lurking forces that might want to see the mighty fall. Keep your allies in the Libras and Aquarians around, but though your friends are close, keep your enemies closer. As you catch the flies with the honey, don't forget to spread it on the bread of your friends before you spoil it. Caution to our young Geminis. Though the grapevine is bending to your ear and will, make sure that it doesn't wrap around you and bring you into the dirt. Gossip is fun but can also be deadly. Make peace with both your friends and enemies, and the world will bend to the will of the Gemini.


Für Meno :)
Sounds like you would make a good little Hitler ! LOL

or perhaps just a good moderator ? (see, it is for real) !


Für Meno :)
I'm going by the stars !
The stars on my birthday, even the day I was born, were and are Capricorn.
If I go back to 500 B.C. yeah, I would be an Aquarius. But , that's not the case, I was born much later then that.

So, I will accept my new stars, and I might even go to the Planetarium to watch them around my birthday.
I do have a cheap telescope, too, I could use to see exactly how the sunrise is in Capricorn and NOT in Aqaurius (as I been told all these years).

I'm probably only 1 of a few, that accepts the change.
Probably, because I value science and math very much.
And if something needs to be corrected to be true, then so be it. I will accept the true facts.