Dana White posts video of FedEx worker throwing packages into truck in NYC


Well-Known Member
Oh, you’ve had plenty of insightful responses. You’re not intelligent enough to understand them.
Nobody including Dan White needs consent of a worker to film them in public. And his intent is unknown. Looks like he thought it was funny to me. Had the driver been working professionally there wouldn’t have been any problems at all for him. Instead he chose to be unprofessional in public. There is nothing to redress.
Saying that this guy wasn't working professionally is entirely in keeping with the prima donna attitude of the cardboard slingers at UPS. No matter what you have yourself believing you are it is still menial unskilled labor.
His intent is indeed something that needs challenged in court because that is the entire heart of the matter.
If it was done to me rest assured I would challenge him to account for his actions and motives in court .

And I'm damn certain you would do the same. And don't even bother trying to tell me that you always rose above it all. That's of course if you just want me to continue to laugh at you.


Well-Known Member
Saying that this guy wasn't working professionally is entirely in keeping with the prima donna attitude of the cardboard slingers at UPS. No matter what you have yourself believing you are it is still menial unskilled labor.
His intent is indeed something that needs challenged in court because that is the entire heart of the matter.
If it was done to me rest assured I would challenge him to account for his actions and motives in court .

And I'm damn certain you would do the same. And don't even bother trying to tell me that you always rose above it all. That's of course if you just want me to continue to laugh at you.
I love how you like someone having an honest job as menial. He provides a very valuable and important service to his community. You are truly one sad human being. The worker, throwing the packages was not being professional. I do not know what level of discipline he faced, but that is something he took the chance of facing.

And I’m sure Dana White is wringing his hands losing sleep every night worried about this.

And I’m damn certain I told you I’ve done the same thing that workers done knowing full well what the consequences were if I was caught. Eventually, you have to be more mature about your career and your livelihood if you want to continue to work.
Just when I thought I was getting through. Company policy and corporate image yada yada yada. Nothing to do with it. It's about intent. That worker was being filmed without his knowledge or consent with the footage obviously used to enhance the NIL of Dana White for the purpose of enhancing his business profile.

FDX has plenty of box cops out prowling . It did not need Dana White's assistance. If it turns out that the only way FDX found out about it was via the White's online post rather than it being forwarded directly to FDX only that is an action White might be called upon to answer.

If this happened to me I would definitely be seeking redress and I'm quite confident you guys would all be doing the same.
You've made your point very clearly all along, it's just invalid. In fact you've even moved the goalposts a few times trying to be right, still not working. My 17 year old son is perhaps the only person I know that is more intent on being wrong.
If it was done to me rest assured I would challenge him to account for his actions and motives in court .
And you'd most likely be representing yourself, if you got an attorney to take your case it would only be in the hopes Mr. White would agree to settle instead of spend the money on attorneys' fees for such a menial case. If I was worth half a billion though, I'd burn millions in costs just to drive it home to you that you're an idiot.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
My 17 year old son is perhaps the only person I know that is more intent on being wrong.
Good luck with that. My wife called the police for one fight I had with him when he was 18. He decided to leave before he was injured. The cop showed up and asked how old he was, 18 says I, do what you gotta do says he. My wife was not happy. I was ecstatic.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that. My wife called the police for one fight I had with him when he was 18. He decided to leave before he was injured. The cop showed up and asked how old he was, 18 says I, do what you gotta do says he. My wife was not happy. I was ecstatic.
That’s our love language L O L every dad and son has probably had one of those.


Well-Known Member
I recently had that conversation with him now that he’s 35. He said the bond is un breakable because of it. Even though I wanted to kill him, he knew it was out of love….🤣🤣
Yep, boys think they can assert their manhood on their dads until they realize we’re still their dad and we also don’t fight fair. 😉


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Yep, boys think they can assert their manhood on their dads until they realize we’re still their dad and we also don’t fight fair. 😉
Nope, big guy ain’t goin down without using some tricks he learned along the way. That’s how it is with fathers and sons. Unless you’re a fruitcake father. Boys are eventually gonna challenge the bull. Mothers freak out but it’s the circle of life for men.


Well-Known Member
I love how you like someone having an honest job as menial. He provides a very valuable and important service to his community. You are truly one sad human being. The worker, throwing the packages was not being professional. I do not know what level of discipline he faced, but that is something he took the chance of facing.

And I’m sure Dana White is wringing his hands losing sleep every night worried about this.

And I’m damn certain I told you I’ve done the same thing that workers done knowing full well what the consequences were if I was caught. Eventually, you have to be more mature about your career and your livelihood if you want to continue to work.
You say that he was fair game in a public venue. But, what if he was working while on private property?
You keep coming back again and again about company policy . That's the rail track you want to go down that's fine.
I take a different approach. I say that this individual was unknowingly exploited for personal fame, riches and glory by an entertainment mogul who was negligent in his pursuit of that end. And in doing so caused economic loss for that individual .

I believe that the individual deserves economic redress and compensation his loss. I would seek that if I were in his position . It would appear that if this happened to you you would chose not to.


Well-Known Member
UPS employees are smart they choose to work for a union company they deserve what they get it takes effort and initiative to get a job there. Ground employees choose to be slackers and get rewarded accordingly.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
UPS employees are smart they choose to work for a union company they deserve what they get it takes effort and initiative to get a job there. Ground employees choose to be slackers and get rewarded accordingly.
Slackers here too…

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You say that he was fair game in a public venue. But, what if he was working while on private property?
You keep coming back again and again about company policy . That's the rail track you want to go down that's fine.
I take a different approach. I say that this individual was unknowingly exploited for personal fame, riches and glory by an entertainment mogul who was negligent in his pursuit of that end. And in doing so caused economic loss for that individual .

I believe that the individual deserves economic redress and compensation his loss. I would seek that if I were in his position . It would appear that if this happened to you you would chose not to.
Doesn't matter where the FedEx driver was, if Dana White was on public property, he was exercising his rights under the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Anything that can be seen from public property has no expectation of privacy. "Courts have ruled that there is no expectation of privacy for objects that are left in plain view of the public" When Do You Have A Reasonable Expectation of Privacy from Police Searches?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Doesn't matter where the FedEx driver was, if Dana White was on public property, he was exercising his rights under the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Anything that can be seen from public property has no expectation of privacy. "Courts have ruled that there is no expectation of privacy for objects that are left in plain view of the public" When Do You Have A Reasonable Expectation of Privacy from Police Searches?
Everyone is a journalist and free to film or photograph on public property or publicly accessible property. Period, full stop.


Well-Known Member
You say that he was fair game in a public venue. But, what if he was working while on private property?
You keep coming back again and again about company policy . That's the rail track you want to go down that's fine.
I take a different approach. I say that this individual was unknowingly exploited for personal fame, riches and glory by an entertainment mogul who was negligent in his pursuit of that end. And in doing so caused economic loss for that individual .

I believe that the individual deserves economic redress and compensation his loss. I would seek that if I were in his position . It would appear that if this happened to you you would chose not to.
"Fame, riches, and glory?" You think a guy like Dana White needs the notoriety that this video would give? Seriously?