PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter. We learned this as Dems lectured us that it's all private after Bill Clinton got caught molesting interns.
It does to matter. Shows a lack of a moral compass and good decision making ability. On top of being convicted in Civil court on rape charges and currently standing trial on felony charges. Does this sound like someone you want leading this country?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Oh I very much disagree with that. The old "everyone does it defense". No, everyone does not cheat on their wives.
Doesn't matter now, just like Biden molesting woman didn't matter. Even VP Harris said she believed Biden's accusers, didn’t matter

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
trump dishonored his wife and family by his philandering. Thank you.
That's not particularly uncommon in America.
Oh I very much disagree with that. The old "everyone does it defense". No, everyone does not cheat on their wives.

Not everyone pretends to live by some code of honor just because they said Stormy Daniels was raped and a victim before they said she wasn't a victim and needed to switch to a different argument.


Inordinately Right
sexual abuse of her. I guess that makes it all sound so innocent.