
  1. F

    UPS Package Handler questions

    I applied for a package handler position at my local UPS center. I got invited to and attended an information session. I was invited back for a tour at 5 in the morning, which I also intended. I was again invited back for an interview. The HR person told me to email her in two weeks if she...
  2. UPSmechanicinblue

    Anyone work in The Asheville North Carolina area?

    I maybe relocating to this area. Wondering if anyone works out this center or know about it that could PM me and help me out with some questions. Thanks
  3. NEnewbie

    New driver helper - not getting any calls from dispatch? Other issues..

    Hello all. I was hired at the end of November as a seasonal driver helper. I was hired immediately and attended the paid orientation. I am a very motivated worker and I feel that was reflected during my brief interview. I told the woman in HR that I am "Ready to bust my ass" for this job. She...
  4. Wally

    Wally's Primer on Common Helper Psychological Haplotypes and Personalities

    After many years of working with Drivers Helpers, I feel comfortable in sharing some observations. Patterns suggest we can group them into key groups. Of course, I'm not a psychologist, nor, do I play one on TV, however, having said that, here are my observations in no special order. The...
  5. soberups

    5 Commandments for using a helper (On Topic)

    #1--Thou shalt make safety thy first concern. On day 1, I always give my helper a 5 min lecture on staying safe. That means NO RUNNING, PERIOD. That means 100% use of the handrail when entering or exiting, no exceptions. That means that, if I screw up and start the engine before they have the...