
  1. B

    How do these irregs pass through?

    How do we get pieces of farm equipment or propellers and fireplaces that weigh 150-200lbs but have 49 or 69 lb stickers? Why does management and safety ignore it and refuse to weigh? These things seem to pop up occasionally but peak has been ridiculous. I can easily do 200lbs myself but what's...
  2. B

    Brother related

    If management wanted to could they fire me on the basis of having my brother working on the same shift as I do, if so what is the process?
  3. N

    Was asked if it would be ok to be on call Sunday

    To help deliver "Christmas presents" Lol.
  4. Gooner

    Latest start time this peak?

    10:15 am today. Everyone is loaded up ready but standing around waiting for air. What’s the latest UPS has kept you in the building this year?
  5. B

    preload not making drivers job any easier.

    I think it's really a shame how preload supervisors do not care AT ALL about what happens to the driver after dispatch so long as their own production numbers are hitting the mark. Ive worked on the preload a very long time and have noticed a steady decrease in the standards that the people...
  6. B

    Brothers working in the same hub.

    I was wondering if brothers could work in the same hub on the same shift and I was also wondering if let's say if the hiring manager does get a workers brother on and puts them on the same shift knowing that they are related and other management found out would they fire...
  7. A

    transferring hubs

    I plan on going to UCF in orlando because of the tution assistance and continue being a preloader instead of going into management. is it true you cant transfer hubs unless its for managment ?
  8. Sissy Brown Short Shorts

    What’s the point?

    Quite honestly, what’s the point of having a union anymore? I’ve been asking that question to myself and to a handful of more senior drivers. They always have the same answer, “if they weren’t around you wouldn’t have a job, the company would fire you for anything they wanted to”. Since I’ve...
  9. L

    STW Start Time Change

    School to work UPSer here. I work at the Worldport in Louisville. We used to be allowed to come in and start whenever we could and at start time on days we didn't have school first. But now we aren't allowed to start until noon even on days we don't have school?? This means I'm going to be...
  10. B

    Center and driver helper question, on topic please

    Center and helper question. Five hours in the center, followed by 6 hours on a package car. HR is claiming they are two different jobs, therefore no OT.. They show up on the same paycheck though. Any thoughts, ideas, arguments before I file a grievance? Thanks in advance for any real thoughts…
  11. watdaflock?

    Ya got your arse kicked as a preloader when... find a PAL label stuck to the back of your sweatshirt after arriving home. One week left. Lets hear some other examples.
  12. Xanosuke2

    Fired for dishonesty

    Monday morning I was pulled into the office, shop Stewart present, and was told I was being fired for an act of dishonesty. I had delivered to a business Tuesday of last week and couldn’t find a package for them. The receiver told me it was fine and to bring it the next day I delivered to them...
  13. watdaflock?

    Examples how UPS management is dumb during peak

    Work preload six hours on Saturday, paying us time and a half, which is all Monday work. Today (Monday) we work under four hours. Please share with us, other dumb decisions by management, during peak at your Customer Center/hub.
  14. X

    What's so hard to get?

    Let me start off by saying that I'm a fairly new driver. This is my second peak that I've been a part of. With that being said, it mind boggles me how a company of this satire can be so ran so poorly. It's like they don't even try when it comes to peak. Yet the boast about delivering boxes for...
  15. R

    Seasonal driver, little hours....

    As a seasonal driver is it normal to only work 2 or 3 days a week? I worked 40 plus last week then this week no work monday or today. What gives??
  16. Kicked Your Dog

    Hey, Man! Be cool.

    I mean this sincerely to all my good union brothers and sisters, fulltime and partime: DON’T LOSE YOUR COOL because of the mess UPS mismanagement has put us in. As a feeder driver, I bumble around from hub to hub supporting various preloads in my district. I’ve seen a lot of anxiety, stress...
  17. Bubblehead

    At What Point....?

    ....does UPS say "uncle"? When will this company tell the truth; that we can't maintain an infrastructure, fleet, and the staffing necessary to accommodate the ever increasing influx of volume for essentially 2 months of the year? How much longer will the Union allow a bunch of pencil neck...
  18. over9five

    A Great Peak This Year!

    Couldn't be better, no way to improve! Management has done an awesome job!
  19. Wally

    Amazon driver dropped a load!

    Yuk! Video Shows Woman Who Delivered Amazon Package Pooping In Front Of Sacramento Home
  20. BigUnionGuy

    Safety first ? Nah.... it's just a fire

    I can't make this stuff up. Evacuate the building ? Nope. @ the CACH Hub in Illinois. Keep slinging those Amazon pkgs.... you mindless troglodytes. Momma needs her case of toilet paper ! -Bug- * Thanks.... to the disgusted UPS Supervisor, for providing the info *