accidentally leave trailer door open
managementmanagement ups
trailer door
trailer door open
trailer driver
ups driver
ups management
received one on Saturday.
“You’ve only delivered 30 stops. You’re NOT NEW ANYMORE!”
This was my 3rd Saturday on this blind route. So I drove around angry for the next 7 hours. That’s safe!
I worked as a Custom Broker at the UPS Brokerage operation from 1998 until I returned to full-time studies in 2008. During my 10 years at UPS I successfully obtained a Canadian Society of Certified Customer Broker designation and was advanced to a senior department, had no disciplinary issues...
I started as a part-time supervisor back in May. I have a degree but I haven't been able to find a decent position. I was wondering what are the raises for part-time sup's? Are there any bonuses? You can obviously tell that my compensation at this position is very low. With a degree, can I...
fedex ground
full time
full time supervisor
full timer
managementmanagement ups
part time
part time sup
part time supervisor
part timer
ups management
Our hub has been hiring a lot of people over the last year. It's a revolving door and always has been. Now there are more workers who have felonies that we have to work around. Some of them are trouble makers and moved from dept. to dept.
My situation is this: I went to help at the end of...
Team, Amazon is buying zepelins to become better then us.
Now that they shift their focus on wholefoods we should take the opportunity to go out with our great brown army of motivated soldiers to inform new potential customers of something amazings that has been here for decades.
its you, its...
For the past 2 months, we've had late air 2-3 times a week, every week. Either requiring on road meets or waiting in the building for a half hour. The "normal" frequency is more like a late air day once every 2-3 weeks (at least in my center). I'm in the northeast. Is this a problem stemming all...
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I was a bid Air Driver part-time for about 5 years. One of the best jobs I've ever had. Evening pickups which were the same every day, no mental stress, virtually same variables every day, and I only worked about 20-23 hours per week so I could still actually...
air driver
center manager
full time
full timer
managementmanagement ups
manager ups
package car driver
part time
part timer
ups driver
ups management
ups manager
Has any one out there delt with a change of operations? Might be happening out of Silverthorne moving to eagle, CO. Any help insight would be appreciated.
It seems that there is a lot of bad information going on around this forum, mostly trolling. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Stay on topic, no trolling. Thanks.
I am Newby and having a problem with big brown. I have been with the company for 38 years and in 2012 I had lower back surgery rehabbed and back to work. I had second back surgery July 2016 and during rehab UPS said they were not letting come back this time. The surgery this time did not work...
Can someone please inform me of what should happen in the event of an on the job injury? Specifically, steps and procedures once the injury is reported to management, and ball park timelines. Thanks
A few weeks ago my spouse was given news that we could cut our income in half or move 7 hours away to another facility. I've been a ft sup for right at a year & I can't justify leaving the company entirely at this point for my family to make the move. I also can't stay in our current location...
We have a new supervisor at our hub that is trying to prove themselves. :hangover: This person has been going around pissing everyone off. We have been tolerant but now it's starting to get worse since this person seems to not care. Is there any way we can get this person to calm down with the...
I just wanted to say I regret taking this position. My stress has continually skyrocketed along with my health deteriorating. I believe I even got carpal tunnel from operating this ridiculous computer system. I hope this job becomes automated because no one and I mean no one should work this...
...and its hilarious.
Our center manager this morning was practically begging us to find peak season helpers.
Our manager claims that they need 47 helpers, and that they only have 6 at the moment.
Sucks when you try to pay people a pittance and then there's Amazon ready to pay you more to be...
It's only been two months and I've already just had it up to here with the idiots in management. I'm already having a bit of difficulty getting along with one supervisor(who's your typical :censored:bag UPS supervisor). He's already threatened to fire me before peak season if I don't meet up his...