
  1. C

    what should I do?

    Hey yall, I started Feeder back in September and since I've started I've had issues with my pay rate. for whatever reason it says my current pay rate is $15.00 hr and payroll has to go in every week to adjust it. I filled a grievance 3 weeks ago about the issue because I was in the system as...
  2. T

    Seniority has the prime consideration or not?

    My union agent has taken over 2 months to do something about my seniority violation grievance and he always gives me the run around “I’m trying to set up a meeting”. I’ve called him like once or twice a week for the past 10 weeks and hasn’t done anything about it. My issue is that someone who...
  3. G

    When should I leave?

    I am looking to leave the job as a delivery driver but not sure if I should leave before I get into the union, or after I am already in. Benefits or detriments to either?
  4. 4


    My FT supervisor threatened to have my badge deactivated because I missed a day of work. My PT is out on “COVID” leave and didn’t send us start times for the 2 weeks he would be gone. So most of the people in my area either don’t show up or are late as hell because of it. (and sups end up...
  5. P

    Paid Sick Days

    How many days can we call out sick in a row? Is it 3 and then we need a doc's note after that? Or can I take Monday and Tuesday off, then Thursday and Friday? I'm just wondering because I called out sick for the first time ever and my supe said I HAD to come in. Which is ridiculous since they...
  6. S

    Help! I need advice!

    Hi! I know this place is probably mostly for males and actual UPS employees, but I need advice. My husband has worked for UPS for over a year now, but he just became a driver around August. Well, he hurt his ankle recently and the supervisors are always making comments about drivers needing to...
  7. Proud To Be A Scab

    Steward protecting drunk

    So...there's a drunk on the preload. Wreaks of alcohol. Carries a flask. Has a hard time seeing package labels. Nearly runs over employees in the parking lot while coming into work. Boasts about his alcoholism. Admits to being under the influence of alcohol and cannabis while on the clock. etc...
  8. T


    I’m an unloader/worked there for 3 months So, this happened Last Friday: I was unloading (I’m a part timer with seniority) and near the end of my shift, I felt discomfort in my wrist. I told FT supervisor and he told me to talk to safety. I told them that this was on the clock and that i had...
  9. D

    Local 63/Ontario Feeder Dropping 1 year safe driving?

    has anyone heard or know of anyone with less then 1-year safe driving in package going to feeder. Heard that Ontario CA need a bunch of feeder drivers and they are considering dropping the one-year safe driving
  10. N

    Questions about back pay for former employee's

    Hello I was employed by UPS as a package handler for almost 3 years. Two years was spent in NM and I had to leave the company for about 4 weeks because I moved to TX and had to re apply and restart my seniority/lose my benefits, however I did about almost 7 months before I injured my back. (of...
  11. G

    Paid Doctor Visits

    I was injured about 2.5 months ago and have been to multiple appointments at the work comp doctor since then. I've handed my full time supervisor a print out from every one of them, minus physical therapy and other related visits since they didn't contain an update. My union rep told me at the...
  12. L

    Full Time Driver Disqualification

    sup guys, I got the chance to go full time. Never did any air or temp so it was all new. I was under everyday my supervisor was in the truck and also 8 days on my own. I was told on my 28th day that I was DQ bc I worked through my lunch two times. I was told I wasn’t going to get a chance to get...
  13. J

    Why am I part of the union?

    So I am a rehire and just came back to my old hub a couple weeks ago. I remember clearly in the induction meeting HR asking if I wanted to join the Union and me telling them I did not. I remember being asked the same thing last year, when I started working their the first time and also turning...
  14. D

    Progression Retro Pay

    I am in the second year of my progression and was given my last raise in October, but under the new contract I should be at $24/hr will I receive a retroactive check of $3/hr difference in pay since October?
  15. D

    Past Practice

    I am currently an ADA package car driver that got injured while driving in 2006, and received an accommodation in 2008 when the economy took a dive, at that time all they had available was a part time porter position(which I accepted). I drove for 3.5years as a full time package car driver from...
  16. U

    I cannot view my time card?

    Does anyone else get actsys.inside.ups.com’s server IP address could not be found. when they try to view their timecard on upsers? I cannot find another way to view my time.
  17. K

    Terminated For Altercation- Need my job back

    Whats up fellow Teamsters- I have been terminated from UPS after being attacked by another teamster. We work out in C-sort (temp building out in the cold) where the weather takes a toll on us all. Now that the weather is cold, I have been turning on the heater from time to time, and my co-worker...
  18. O

    PT Sup back to Package Handler

    Here's my story: I did a year of preload and was offered the Local Sort sup position. I took it to expand my resume and make some more money. I've been the LS sup for 2.5 years now and I've almost completed my degree. I'm thinking about starting my own business, but I was wondering if anyone...
  19. B

    Amazon raises its minimum wage to $15 an hour

    Come on ups and you piece of garbage lying corrupt Hoffa Teamsters. Amazon leads and we follow yet again. $15 an hour and catch up raises for all UPS part-timers.
  20. P

    How to Properly Leave Union?

    I'm a part time worker, and was involuntarily inducted into the union. Being a union member is not practical in my situation. I am wonder who the proper people to contact are in order to get the ball rolling on my departure from the union. I've already wrote the secretary-treasurer of my union...