
  1. D

    Termination for attendance “On Topic”

    so i served a 5 day suspension for attendance on November 2017 and in my hub its 7 occassions in 9 months. so i cleared all my occassions below 7 and used my sick days on March and now they are trying to terminate me and i have grieved it, still no meeting till this day. so two shop stewards...
  2. J

    Technician Optimization??

    Not chasing numbers are we? Anyone in the union know how IT can get unionized?
  3. L


    I'm on disability now,... if I move to another state, will I still get retroactive pay from the new contract?
  4. A

    Pay question

    I have been employed with UPS for almost a year now. I worked preload until mid October when I went for seasonal driving. That ended about two weeks into January. Then early February I got called back for an air driver position. My current pay is $13.50 an hour. I start my day by running EAMs, I...
  5. M

    Supervisors get walked out?

    saw a thread about what it takes for a termination to stick for hourly employees. Wondering any good stories for supervisors getting canned? Or keeping position after doing something crazy? I was just set up by my management staff(along with steward and his butt buddy) and terminated. They had...
  6. M

    Steward conduct

    hello guys and gals, I wanted to ask you all if a steward is held to any higher standard than regular hourly? If they impede you from filing a grievance, then directly after that, participate in getting someone discharged and/or disciplined. Besides being a true POS, is there other liability...
  7. H

    When have i achieved seniority?

    I've been a preloader for 4 months and joined the union.. At what point have I achieved seniority?
  8. DoPushUPS

    Can a PT AM Loader sign a TDC sheet?

    I was a driver helper with one of the highest seniority drivers. He put in a good word for me and I accepted an offer for pre load. He knows I want to drive, and said he's still putting in a good word for me. He also told me no one is signing the sheets for driving jobs. I don't have my 30 days...
  9. Y

    8 hour 24hr notice

    so im Tuesday-Sat.. get a message Friday afternoon saying I’m working Monday. So I turn a 8hour request in at (7:32pm Friday) for Monday. Is this 24 hour notice?
  10. herbigharo32

    1 min late = NCNS (No Call, No Show)

    Hello folks. This post is to bring an urgent issue to discussion. At the DFW Airport Hub #0764, anyone who is late, even by a minute or seconds are having their in-punch changed to NCNS then sent home for the day. A NCNS on the work record does subject an employee to immediate termination or...
  11. PhatPattheRiverRat

    Is Union Knowledge Valued at UPS? ON TOPIC

    Mods: Move to Union Issues if applicable. I'm the kind of person who gets obsessed with a certain topic and fixates on it—I read everything I can get my hands on, and I mean everything. Lately, I have become really interested in the Teamsters and the history of labor relations between the...
  12. O

    Ups Ibt Calculator not giving me credit for 2017

    Hi I was wondering if anyone else is having this issue. I worked 2460 hours in 2017 but the pension calculator is giving me no credit for 2017.
  13. C

    Just won a bid for a training route need help with seniority issue

    Hi y’all I have just won myself a package car route that I bid on 2 weeks ago. Now that February has begun they will start training a new person on my route. I was told by a union representative that I should have seniority over other utility drivers when I am bidding on routes. He said that I...
  14. T

    Layoffs hitting hard

    We have had crazy amount of layoffs most inside work are full timers now, Amazon to return? Big rumor going around
  15. M

    Worth going PT mechanic for UPS

    I'm a new hire package handler at the CACH facility near the Chicagoland. Was told they had an PT mechanic opening. Is it really worth it and what are chances of going full time? I'm assuming they are IAM Local 701. Have 8 years experience and was previous 701 member.
  16. N

    2 months (Pay) still has not been given for mistake

    Its been 2 months or so, I have spoke with 3sup and even Manager.....Still my back pay has not surfaced....what are next steps?
  17. B

    Part time employees jobs being eliminated by this proposed contract

    I just read briefly over the proposed contract. It appears that the union has decided to push even harder to create full time jobs. I can understand this to an extent. There are union employees that do not want to work full time. In fact this had been a great resource for people who are...
  18. Maynard

    The new stanton pa hub for ups

    I have heard at the new pa stanton hub that no one makes under 14an hr is that true? And its creating alot of drama in other hubs across the us
  19. purehavanne

    No Deliveries After 9pm, Including Peak

    Am I the only one who caught this proposal? In section 25 they’re asking the company to call back all drivers by 9pm and no one can be disciplined for missed pieces. EVEN in peak! Could this be the section that causes the strike? Or are they trolling?
  20. T

    Write ups for misloads?

    We just had a PCM and were told that we could be given write ups for as little as a single misload. Is anyone else experiencing this? How would this even work for people like me who share 7 package cars with another person? We both load all the cars instead of being split 3 & 4, how would they...