So 2 peak season ago, the center manager then, started this club called “The Rookie Club”. Anyone who has been driving for less than 2 years had to show up 10 minutes early and meet upstairs in the conference room. At the time, it was peak season and we had a bunch of new drivers, including me. So I understand why he started it. After peak season was over, I stopped going upstairs cause I thought it wasn’t really necessary. But they kept the “club” and didn’t say anything to me for not going. Fast forward to now. We have a new really

ty center manager and he sends me a message through the diad today saying that I need to start going to the rookie club in the morning from now on. It’s a free 10 min of pay everyday, but I can be very forgetful and will forget to go.
My question is, on what grounds does he have to discipline me for not showing up everyday. Again, it’s not like I don’t want to go. But I will forget. And he’s not the kind of guy to be reasonable with. It’s like talking to a wall with him. I already have a warning letter too.