I want to share an anecdote from events that happened to and in me yesterday morning. This happened while I was simply washing my breakfast dishes. While washing I was simply pondering the God of the Universe and His love for the world and His love for me, it was then it happened. I believe I heard from God in my spirit.
I share this here because I am in awe of the closeness to Him that I have felt at times over the years of my faith/spiritual journey and I do believe God works in my life in and of Himself and my relationship with Him. I hope that my account sheds a little light or maybe answers any questions posed in this discussion thread as to what I mean when I share about God the Holy Spirit, living in me and speaking to me in my spirit, heart(not the organ), and soul.
I admit I have never heard God’s audible voice. I do believe I sometimes hear God’s spiritual voice through the audible and written words of others.
Yesterday morning after my daily morning spiritual activities which consist of talking to God (prayer) and meditation followed by reading a daily reading from the book 24 Hours a Day, a portion of the book 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, a portion of the book Alcoholics Anonymous and a portion of the book the Holy Bible (currently using the NIV translation), I proceeded with my normal pre work activities; walking the dog, breakfast and clean up. As I previously stated it was during the cleanup, the dishes that the following transpired:
As I stated I was thinking of God’s love for the world and His love for me and then the following thoughts came to my mind, they seemed to come from nowhere.
I started to think how sometimes I get tense, frustrated, and impatient when interrupted while doing something. I am particularly prone to feeling this way when my wife , my child, or my mother are the one’s interrupting or trying to engage me in anyway when I am involved a task of some sort. I will, all too frequently, tense up when this happens and my response will too often be “I’m busy” or “I’m in the middle of something”, followed by an offer to engage with them when I’m done with what I have to do. I believe on the surface this seems like a reasonable, healthy, mature response. I do have to get things done after all.
So what’s the problem?
The problem is in thinking about this, I also thought how it is clear in my mind, spirit, and soul that my habitual response is usually given in a tone that subtly, and probably more often than not, not so subtly expresses my tense, frustrated, and impatient attitude and feelings toward them. This led to other thoughts, thoughts of how I have been feeling dissonance and conflict in my spirit and in my conscience for many years when I respond in this way to those I hold most dear. I love my wife, my boy and my mother.
To be honest I have tried, not recently but in the past, to resolve this habitual behavior and response in myself but have been unsuccessful. I have tried to resolve this through behavior modification/self-help, I have read the Bible and sought God’s help through the good counsel, instruction, teaching and correction that can be found in it, I have sought spiritual contact with God that I believe can happen simply by reading Scripture or other spiritual literature, I have talked with God(prayed), and have meditated in efforts to be close to God and to be near and aided by the nearness of His love for me and the power that can be found in Him and His love. Up to now none of this has worked, I have still been prone to responding in an unloving way, but that has now changed.
Yesterday as I was washing the dishes, I firmly believe I heard from God on this matter, not audibly but in my spirit. As I was pondering His love, the thought of this problem seemingly coming from nowhere was, I believe, God’s Holy Spirit prompting from within me, my thoughts, through my spirit and my conscience to this problem.
I believe He further brought my thoughts to the unloving nature of my response to my loved ones in these interruptions and he finally brought me to the reality of my failure to resolve this issue up until now and then I heard from Him, not audibly but I believe clearly from Him, so clear that it might as well have been audible, but it was not.
“There is nothing that you are doing that is important enough not to give those you love your time when they need you. I wouldn’t do it to you and you shouldn’t do it to them.”
It was a simple statement, a statement that I probably heard before but this time it was different. This statement, these words, struck me at my very center, so simple yet so profound they pierced my spirit and I believe I am forever changed by them.
My tasks, my jobs, my chores, my works while great and important , they have no hold over me now or forevermore to cause me deny the love of God to someone in need of His great love, especially those individuals most important to me.
Peace be with you!