I get it man, you show up 1500 years later, with no connection to the True Faith at all because of rebellion, and you just can't accept the fact that you've separated yourself from the only church. Our Church Fathers are St Justin Martyr, St Augustine, St Ignatius of Antioch, St John Chrysostom, St Iranaeus, St Athanasius...
And you've got, who? Fat guys? Fat german guy who had misplaced anger and took it out on the Church by open rebellion over what could have been great reform? (And great reform did come, Council of Trent was BASED AND EPIC) and who is your other church father, another fat
who wanted to keep killing his wives? By your fruits you shall know them! LMAO! Forever scattered, in rebellion from dad, the eternal prodigal son who refuses to come back and make amends.