1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

Ive never once heard a pregnant woman say "I'm going to have a fetus". Not once have I ever heard of a doctor telling a pregnant woman at an office visit "your fetus is fine". Every one of us have referred to them as a baby or a kid before and after pregnancy so why do some people think there is a difference just because we can't actually see or touch it before birth?

If a fetus is always referred to as a baby during pregnancy then how can it not be a living thing that deserves protection from having that life ended?And if you murdered a pregnant woman you’d be charged with a double homicide
And whatever you want to classify the fetus as, which is just a Latin word for baby btw, frankly doesn't matter. It did not get there on it's own. You, a woman, invited someone else into your body, and they left something behind. That is your fault. The fetus didn't invade your body while you were sleeping, your body made it, with your permission.


Got the T-Shirt

El Correcto

god is dead
Only the mentally ill would want to move to a :censored2:hole state like Texas anyways.
I told you there was no constitutional right to an abortion.
I told you this repeatedly and you sat there lectured me that it didn’t matter because nothing will ever be done about it and blah blah blah.
Do you people ever get tired of being wrong?


Bad Moon Risen'
Our friend Google says there are 114,556 adoptable kids in the USA and 630,000 legal abortions were done. That would be one hell of an orphanage if abortion were banned.
Foster care is full of children nobody wants. This ruling will only increase the numbers.


Well-Known Member
I’m getting so much, “where is abortion in the Bible?” Must be tough for you prots. I always elude to the saints and church fathers.
It’s really hard to believe that there’s a percentage of this country that either for money or for some kind of misguided crusade for womens rights and freedom that’s this committed to infanticide


Well-Known Member

What color is the sun in your world?
People did act much more responsibly when abortion was illegal. It was Roe v Wade that opened the dam gates. Not saying no one ever got pregnant then. We just weren't killing 63,000,000+ babies. As Candace Owens pointed out there would be almost twice as many blacks in the U.S. without Roe v. Wade. We've literally self imposed genocide. But you may be right. Morality standards have changed. Personally I hope all who want abortion will up and move to where it's allowed. After my parents pass I'll probably move to a state where it isn't if I stay in the States.


Well-Known Member
I’m getting so much, “where is abortion in the Bible?” Must be tough for you prots. I always elude to the saints and church fathers.
Plenty of non-Catholics are against it too. I honestly don't know how anyone claiming to be a Christian can justify the killing of an unborn child except under a very narrow set of circumstances.