At one time, the 2 parties were a very mixed bag. In each, there were conservatives, liberals, middle of the roaders if you will. All colors and stripes. As a result, there was still an idealogy but the parties were not united like they are today (although that's a bit of smoke and mirrors too) and therefore this "all about the party first and we're Americans 2nd" was not the dominate feature. People ran for office and they got voted in not so much because of party affliation but by the governing principles they esposued. Now it wasn't a perfect world mind you but today in order to get the conservative vote, just show up, declare yourself a republican and as long as the other guy is a democrat, who cares what you really are. You're in! The reverse is true if the person was liberal and declared to be a democrat. The point is, they can be completecar salesman and if the district is gerrymandered to a specific party (vast majority are) he'll get the job. Why do you think 80% of America thinks Congress sucks?
The oil situation IMO is a good example. OK, we all know we've got a problem, a big problem on many fronts. I doubt we'll get much arguement on that point. This problem was seen miles away and yet not a soul lifted a finger so to speak and now we sit in the middle of a crisis moment, if you will. Sounds like UPS don't it?
The response from Washington? One side wants to drill which in light of our condition does make one want to look to Washington and just say with one loud voice, DUH!Makes you feel better any way!
The other side in effect sez no and gives several reasons and some may have merit but still seems beyond belief.
OK, why the real reason for the vast difference? I mean most if maybe not all here just might agree there is need to use our our domestic sources for oil and tell those "s" to take a leep. The vastly deeper answer lay in what is called "global interdependence" but this requires much deeper study into all things gov't and I doubt most of you would be willing to put the time and effort into reading dry and boring political wonk sites and university white papers on economics and social order to figure this out so let's stick with the easy stuff.
Republicans want drilling and let's say they get their way, the drilling commences and then low and behold the price of oil drops because it's overweighted in the futures markets and this market works off of 5 year contracts which project a value of oil 5 years out. Obviously, with drilling greenlighted, in 5 years there will be more oil on the market and thus this effects futures contracts. Now as the price at the pump drops, the price of other goods and services also drop, things start to rebound so to speak and we get to election day in November, who will the dumbmasses think saved them from the brink? Ah yes republicans! It won't matter that any democrats went along with the idea because we're to stupid to know when we've been played.
OK, flip the pancake. Democrats hold tight, no drilling and things stay pretty bad or even get worse. Who do we generally blame? The guy sitting in the White House and the party he's associated with. If the dems can hold the day, they stand to benefit from discontent and get their guy in and then they can open up drilling and they look like the hero. Believe me, if the roles were reversed, you see the same thing in reverse. It happens all the time. We stopped being Americans a long time ago and now the congress has followed our lead or rather, they know a good thing (for them) when they see it.
What do you do? Stop falling for the tricks. If there's a good democrat or republican out there and I mean one adamant about the Constitution, forget the party, vote for him/her. Understand that no one is as good at playing god as you are so don't expect perfection from anyone. Now that comment is not directed at you personally but is a bit of a joke really aimed at each of us and our human nature. We always have all the answers don't we.The hard part is getting everyone else to see how godlike we are!
Bunch a hardheads.
Sit down and establish dropdead principles that you will not move off of. Myself, I use a lot of the moral code of the bible which I happen to believe a good foundation and the historical use of natural or common law of old world Europe which was the bedrock of our own civil culture. I belive each person should set his/her own course and seek their happiness as long as it imposes no force or fraud on me in doing so and visa versa. Even if their choose of lifestyle is not one I'd choose for myself because it'd be obvious the reverse for them would hold true towards me. but I know if they are always free to believe different than myself I can be asured of my own freedom to believe as I do. Political correctness runs in many differnet directions contary to popular myth!
Now whatever those principles are, don't bend to meet them on election day, force them to come to you even if you are the only one out there. If you truly believe in the moral truths then stick to them, even to death. If that means voting 3rd party to hold true to yourself or even withholding you vote, then hold true to yourself. If it means Obama or Mccain wins to hold true to my beliefs, then so be it. Treat your vote like money that you are about to invest. If the right compnay stock is not out there don't be afraid to park your vote in CD's until a better investment comes along. Don't act like an 8 year old with $5 in the pocket that's burning a hole and you're bound and determined to buy something from the toy section no matter what it is. What would it say to the political system if 20% of the voters went and voted but made no selection at all for President. You wanna turn Washington into full tilt panic, do that. There's your Boston Tea Party or Bunker Hill.
America is a glass half full not half empty as long as we connect to our roots and that constitution remains in play. Never, Ever forget that. Anytime we get off course, that document is our safe haven. Our founding fathers (even with their many faults) gave us a nation of free, independent people who determined their own destiny and that where those people would go, the gov't would follow. That formula has flipped and it's time to take it back!
That's where I'm at House of Payne. Love it, hate it, I could care less even if I'm the lone wolf doing it I will continue that course. hope that answers your question.
Fear is the mind killer!
Many fine points made wkmac
Our politicians are not innovators. they recieve too much financial and voting pressure to change status Quo
So the only thing they tend to provide us is some grandstanding where they show how they are holding the other party accountable.