UPS has made record profits since the start of the current contract. Give nothing, take all we can get or take it to the pavement. We can not be afraid of a strike. It will be painful. It will cost us a lot. We will loose full timers. But we have less to loose then UPS. They are counting on us being afraid of a strike. I don't want it. It could cause enough volume to be lost and cause me to go back to part time. But the teamsters didn't get to where we are today by being scared. We all need to man up. Sock away every penny we can. And fight the fight. Fight for what we work for. We drive the profits.
Our job breaks our bodies down to broken pieces that are constantly being repaired do to the job. We use our body to drive profits. The insurance is what keeps us going. If we pushed papers all day, I could see paying a small piece of insurance as do most people. But our bodies are abused and torn apart do to the jobs we do. The insurance is not a luxury. It is what we need to keep mobile. Its like a salesman for other companies that uses his car for an office and is on the road. The company pays for that car. Well UPS needs to pay for the upkeep of my machine. MY BODY.