$100 a week for insurance and little or no raises!!


Well-Known Member
407 is right. Start talking up the bo-:censored2:!! But understand that UPS is asking for the world expecting just for a little, which is more than they have. King Leonidas said it best, Give them nothing and take everything!! Spaaaaaaarrrrtttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Oops, sorry. Forgot where I was for a second. And to CupcakeNY, we are not have 2 tier wages, that's what a 22.3 job is for. There will be no signing bonus, proven ineffective since 97.
We have too many kiss :censored2: up here!!!Oh yes boss I will bend over and take it 4 u!!!!Just give me a day or two off and Ill crap all over the contract!!!!!Way too many guys and gals do not know what the "guys had to do! " to get what we have now!!

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
This did not happen last contract no one walked away from the table there was no National Day of Action ( Feb 21st btw) No conferance calls. I believe the jack as- bean counters in Atlanta think their proposal is valid. They want everything back that we have received over the last contracts. Screw them let them give back the divedends they have received from their stock bonuses.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Also just so it is clear the company wants us to pay 10% increase per year over the life of the contract the appropriate premium (sing, partner and partner, or family) By the end of the contract it would be $7000.00 per year for a family plan ( $3.32 per hr full time and $7.53 per hr part time) WTF


Well-Known Member
No one is going to strike it the company will not let that happen if they do they be shooting themselves in both feet.
Three letters: N...H...L.

Nobody thought they would be dumb enough to shoot themselves in the foot, either, yet they're playing again minus a few toes.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Also just so it is clear the company wants us to pay 10% increase per year over the life of the contract the appropriate premium (sing, partner and partner, or family) By the end of the contract it would be $7000.00 per year for a family plan ( $3.32 per hr full time and $7.53 per hr part time) WTF
Perhaps this is how UPS plans to solve the high PT turn over rate. Indentured Servitude. Sorry you can't quit. You still owe for last weeks premium.


Well-Known Member
UPS and The Teamsters are not going to allow a strike. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN with UPS making such huge profits.
Talks would be extended before a strike would happen.

Working for UPS full or pt is one of the most physically demanding jobs in our economy. Especially a PC driver working 50 hrs a week delivering packages weighing up to 150. UPS can and should provide health insurance for their athletes.:wink2:

The only trick that alot of people would vote for would be a 2 PART TIME YEARS= 1 FULL TIME YEAR PENSION CREDIT. This would help clear out alot of FTs that have around 25 years in.

A PC driver told me the other day he heard they were talking about it at a union meeting but we have heard this rumor before. I doubt it will happen.


Livin the cardboard dream
The only thing that has me worried is the last contract was ratified by November or December the year before. IMHO UPS has a trick up their sleeve. It's kind of double edged, but the longer they hold out the weaker our resolve will become...not everyones...but maybe enough to vote in a rather shoddy contract. The other side to that is FedEx and other start up/smaller companies take our volume away and put the hurtin' to UPS and us. It would be nice to have this ironed out by May at the latest.


New Member
I sincerely don't see this happening for most PT upsers that haven't been there more than 5 years that's an almost 50% paycut. That's insane.


I sincerely don't see this happening for most PT upsers that haven't been there more than 5 years that's an almost 50% paycut. That's insane.

UPS is throwing **** against the wall to see what sticks. They want the rank and file to hit the panic button over the idea of paying $130/wk for family coverage so they'll swallow a smaller contribution of $10 or $20/wk. Mark my words.

The union's position is that we will not pay for healthcare, period.
I sincerely don't see this happening for most PT upsers that haven't been there more than 5 years that's an almost 50% paycut. That's insane.
None of this will actually happen. Nobody is paying anything this contract. Both sides want to stir it up for there own agenda. So lets stir it up then. Your union want you to get angry about this and tell the company so thats what you should do. They will practically be begging you to stir it up in the next two week and tell the company you mean business. It's in your (teamster) best interests to follow your unions lead. Remember it's a negotiation. The company doesn't want to break something that's not totally broken YET.


Nine Lives
And I'd bet the Teamsters asked for a $20 raise over the period of the contract. People get real, both sides will ask for the world in the beginning, what we need to wait for is what is given to us to vote on that's it! All this speculating is doing nothing period.That's all it is at this point. I don't care WHO says what hall or Scott Davis it DOES NOT MATTER AT THIS TIME!

UPS is throwing **** against the wall to see what sticks. They want the rank and file to hit the panic button over the idea of paying $130/wk for family coverage so they'll swallow a smaller contribution of $10 or $20/wk. Mark my words.

The union's position is that we will not pay for healthcare, period.

Voices of reason.

Last time I bought a vehicle, it had a $30k sticker price.
They offered $24,500.
3 hours later I walked out with an $18,500 (paid cash) vehicle.

We went back and forth at least 15 times over that 3 hour period.

It's a process that works best when you don't get emotional.
Voices of reason.

Last time I bought a vehicle, it had a $30k sticker price.
They offered $24,500.
3 hours later I walked out with an $18,500 (paid cash) vehicle.

We went back and forth at least 15 times over that 3 hour period.

It's a process that works best when you don't get emotional.
So what you are saying is that management can afford to pay cash for your vehicles so we should ask for it all???????


Well-Known Member
Teamsters will not give up anything in this contract!!! UPS cant hide behind the bad economy anymore......records profits every year. Get ready for a strike fellow brothers and sisters!


Well-Known Member
My wife and I have been buying new cars with CASH for years. Don't live beyond your needs, invest wisely,and in years to come,you will be able to do the same. It took a lot of years to finally get our lives set up so we could accomplish the ability to do it. But we EARNED that right. Lifes pleasures are not handed to you, you've got to go get it. I won't speak for Hoke, but I wasn't able to do this in my younger years
My wife and I have been buying new cars with CASH for years. Don't live beyond your needs, invest wisely,and in years to come,you will be able to do the same. It took a lot of years to finally get our lives set up so we could accomplish the ability to do it. But we EARNED that right. Lifes pleasures are not handed to you, you've got to go get it. I won't speak for Hoke, but I wasn't able to do this in my younger years
That's awesome but I'd never pay cash for a car when you can get 0% interest just for having great credit. Twenty some thousand dollars that can stay invested seems like a good way to roll by me.