OK, as a member of management , I am curious about all the histrionics over this offer of the company. This is a negotiation.
The company makes an offer, and a ton of you go off screaming STRIKE, STRIKE!! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
The IBT has suggested language that would significantly reduce what you all call harassment, we call it other things, but set that aside for now. Right or wrong, these are tools UPS has used for years to keep up our very high levels of production. If implemented, some of the suggested language would remove these tools and reduce production, which would cost the company likely hundreds of millions of dollars. Yet I see no one in mangement screaming "LOCK-OUT, LOCK-OUT".
Not to mention, no one that I know of from the company side has said we absolutely will not even consider discussing changes on production standards, 9.5 language, etc. They would be accused of not bargaining in good faith. And rightly so.
Yet if some of these posts are to be believed, Hall has said the union will not even consider ANY change to benefits, and yet that is not failing to bargain in good faith?