It was a circus, who are YOU kidding???
The talking over one another, the bullcrap each one was trying to spread while the others tried to point it out, the FACT that each of them wants to LOWER american wages instead of providing a living wage and the same old tired "WE NEED TO GROW OUR MILITARY".... as if our military wasnt the largest military in the world as we speak.
This kind of redmeat bullcrap is the kind of stuff that fills your tummy but is so unhealthy it isnt even funny.
Ben Carson looked and sounded like a complete dope. His inability to sound like he is even awake at the podium is laughable.
Trump got BOOOED several times and that shows his "charm" is starting to wear off.
Carly Fiorinas attempt to stay on talking points is another joke. What that woman is doing on stage is still a mystery.
Kasich, as much as a dope as he is, is probably the most realistic of all the candidates.
Bush, is just as stupid as his brother. He has NO appeal, NO charisma, NO Leadership skills and NOTHING better to offer than his brother did when HE ruined this country.
Paul, is probably the most honest, but even the republicans hate him.
The republicans better have something more than hillary bashing if they even think they have a chance to win the white house. Right now, HILLARY wipes them all out.
The second tier rejects arent even worth talking about. They are kinda like reading morelocks posts or listening to oldgrays observations, so "I" like the rest of America tunes them out.
The debate was a debacle at best with all of them showing how UNPREPARED each of them are to be president of the United States.
As far as showmanship, MARCO Rubio was the most prepared in talking points and tried to stay on them, however, he kept making little mistakes in his verbage, but its hard to remember everything you are told to say.
Good luck with this lot, it will be nice to see the republicans wiped out in November 2016.