11/10 GOP Debate

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
What good policy solutions did you hear from the gop debate?

Doesn't seem like you watched it. You didn't hear them describe their tax policies? Immigration policies? Military strategies? Foreign trade policies? As well as articulating conservatism and contrasting it with Hillary's and Bernie's Statism. Generally speaking, the policy of small government. Remember, the best government policy is to get the hell out of our lives.


Inordinately Right
Doesn't seem like you watched it. You didn't hear them describe their tax policies? Immigration policies? Military strategies? Foreign trade policies? As well as articulating conservatism and contrasting it with Hillary's and Bernie's Statism. Generally speaking, the policy of small government. Remember, the best government policy is to get the hell out of our lives.
I didn't. Hence the question. Which you didn't answer.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I didn't. Hence the question. Which you didn't answer.

You're arguing like you watched it and you didn't. They talked policy for 2 hours. I'm not going to type all night and itemize hundreds of policies. Watch it or read the transcript.

The liberal media is actually complaining that they talked policy instead of dealing with the ridiculous questions thrown at them by liberal mods. They were bored because their peanut brains can only handle superficial questions and questions designed to make the candidates fight.


Inordinately Right
You're arguing like you watched it and you didn't. They talked policy for 2 hours. I'm not going to type all night and itemize hundreds of policies. Watch it or read the transcript.
Arguing? Are you for real lol. I asked a simple question which oddly enough you can't answer. Hundreds of policies lmao.


Staff member
Doesn't seem like you watched it. You didn't hear them describe their tax policies? Immigration policies? Military strategies? Foreign trade policies? As well as articulating conservatism and contrasting it with Hillary's and Bernie's Statism. Generally speaking, the policy of small government. Remember, the best government policy is to get the hell out of our lives.

You're just upset because you can't afford a 'premium' car yet.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The night was loaded with good policy solutions. Obviously, those on the left don't see it because they only believe in government controlled "solutions".

What were the solutions out of the Dem "debate"?


Good solutions??

Which solution for example? The one where Trump says wages are TOO HIGH in this country and need to be LOWERED to compete with China? A place where people are paid less than a dollar a day for labor? Then he follows that up with "people just have to work harder, not just have the wages increased"...

I am sure you think this is sound policy, or you are simply braindead.

What about EVERY single tax plan the candidates layed out there??

Each one adds TRILLONS OF DOLLARS TO THE NATIONAL DEBT AND GOES UNPAID, just like Herbert Hoover, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, and the all time nation killer, George W. Bush.

But then again, what do you understand about tax policy other than the crap you hear and accept as fact??

Kasich and Paul were the only two people on the stage pointing out how the others tax plans would drive up the national debt, but I bet you missed that part during your orgasm that fox news was hosting this debacle.

Like every other right wing nut out there, you are still stuck on stupid when it comes to national policy. You fall for the same old "cut taxes" and everything will get better, even though this has NEVER HAPPENED in American history.

You are just another in a long line of people on this board clinging to this methodology.

Of course, you dont have ONE single piece of proof that demonstrates that this works, but every democrat can show you the "GREAT DEPRESSION", "the REAGAN RECESSION", "the George W. Bush GREAT RECESSION" and all three of these CUT TAXES FOR THE RICH schemes screwed AMERICA and YOU.

But you will still vote for them, because you have been sold a pile of crap about Hillary Clinton and you want to believe in it so bad, you are willing to sell out your logic and reasoning for it.

Come November 2016, get your guns ready, cause I am sure your programmers will have you believing next that an armed take over of the country is your only solution.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That maybe people will have to work to earn their keep. I'm not worried at all, there will be a republican president in 2016 regardless of who it will be. The democratic hopefuls are all clowns. Like the one in office presently.

Earn their keep??

What does that mean? There are people in this country working THREE jobs just to survive, and they are all still below the poverty level. You heard each GOP candidate REJECT an increase in the minimum wage, yet complain that 1 in 5 working americans are at the poverty level, then follow that up with wages needed to be LOWERED.

Ben Carsons idea of a two tiered pay system where teenagers in the workplace make HALF the pay of regular workers, because the experience they are getting is worth more than the money.

How does this validate "earning their keep"..

Are you people this dense??

Were you even paying attention to what was being said, or were the bright colors on stage enough to hypnotize you into a blank stare??

These thoughts on wages comes from lobbyists who are being paid to control the GOP candidates.

In a time where the average CEO of a large corporation is making 4000 times what his highest paid employee is earning, all you can do is support taking more from the american workers.

You are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution for the future.

How you can enter a conversation with this kind of wreckless stupidity is mind boggling.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You're arguing like you watched it and you didn't. They talked policy for 2 hours. I'm not going to type all night and itemize hundreds of policies. Watch it or read the transcript.

The liberal media is actually complaining that they talked policy instead of dealing with the ridiculous questions thrown at them by liberal mods. They were bored because their peanut brains can only handle superficial questions and questions designed to make the candidates fight.

This is the typical response from a right wing nut who didnt watch or understand the debate, but comes on to blame the liberal media for the lack of substance during the debate.

Is this all the right wing has to offer?? Blaming the liberal media?

Why dont you impress us with ONE FACTOID about ONE candidates tax policy that impressed you.

No need for hundreds of words, we already know you cant string 50 words together conjunctively.

Go for it.



Well-Known Member
Earn their keep??

What does that mean? There are people in this country working THREE jobs just to survive, and they are all still below the poverty level. You heard each GOP candidate REJECT an increase in the minimum wage, yet complain that 1 in 5 working americans are at the poverty level, then follow that up with wages needed to be LOWERED.

Ben Carsons idea of a two tiered pay system where teenagers in the workplace make HALF the pay of regular workers, because the experience they are getting is worth more than the money.

How does this validate "earning their keep"..

Are you people this dense??

Were you even paying attention to what was being said, or were the bright colors on stage enough to hypnotize you into a blank stare??

These thoughts on wages comes from lobbyists who are being paid to control the GOP candidates.

In a time where the average CEO of a large corporation is making 4000 times what his highest paid employee is earning, all you can do is support taking more from the american workers.

You are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution for the future.

How you can enter a conversation with this kind of wreckless stupidity is mind boggling.

You should go into politics instead of working at UPS! And you're right I don't support raising to minimum wage.


Active Member
I am curious what you were watching. It certainly wasn't the Republican debate last night.

i consider myself an independent. so i'm not hoping one party or the other wins. being teamsters, you're supposed to be democrat lol.

this was a great debate. yeah, the talked over each other but every debate does that. i find it humorous that they pick apart every little thing of this party. thats one thing that makes people drift away from the liberal side because they are just unfair with their picking. anyway, i think chris christy is the most slept on. i dont know if he would govern the USA well or not, but you CAN NOT stump him. i have no clue why his numbers are down but hes great at debating.

bush had his best night yet, but i just dont think he has it in him at this point. so, imo bush, jindel, huckabee, paul, definetely kasich need to call it a day. carly does good at these debates, but cant keep momentum afterward. trump isnt saying anything new. i really think he needs start talking details in his plans or something. cruz and rubio i think are starting to show that they are amazing politicians. can the run the USA and stay to their promises??? i dont know. carson. well, for the democrats and media that want him to fail, they need to stop starting lies or nitpicking so much. everytime they do that they bring more attention to him. thats the key to stop him if thats what they want. personally, i think hes the most honest person from either side. does that mean he can run a country? i have no clue. he's also, by definition, LITERALLY the wisest person running. LITERALLY.

ok, so this may have offended some. i hope it didnt. this is just my opinion and i dont want to get into a big debate and definitely want want to get into a name calling disrespectful post battle that i see so many do.

regardless of our views, i hope all of you vote. people have died so we have that privilege.


Well-Known Member
Earn their keep??

What does that mean? There are people in this country working THREE jobs just to survive, and they are all still below the poverty level. You heard each GOP candidate REJECT an increase in the minimum wage, yet complain that 1 in 5 working americans are at the poverty level, then follow that up with wages needed to be LOWERED.

Ben Carsons idea of a two tiered pay system where teenagers in the workplace make HALF the pay of regular workers, because the experience they are getting is worth more than the money.

How does this validate "earning their keep"..

Are you people this dense??

Were you even paying attention to what was being said, or were the bright colors on stage enough to hypnotize you into a blank stare??

These thoughts on wages comes from lobbyists who are being paid to control the GOP candidates.

In a time where the average CEO of a large corporation is making 4000 times what his highest paid employee is earning, all you can do is support taking more from the american workers.

You are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution for the future.

How you can enter a conversation with this kind of wreckless stupidity is mind boggling.

You should go into politics instead of working at UPS! And you're right I don't support raising to minimum wage.


golden ticket member