110 year sentence for truck driver....see?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Gravy route
Off topic but here goes...

My aunt Joan was a passenger in an RV coming down a mountain, she was sleeping. At the wheel is her boyfriend, a retired 30 year long hall trucker. He knows the road; steep with switchbacks.

He wakes up my aunt and tells her:
" Joan, Joan! We have lost our brakes, there is no off ramp before the switchback, we are going to die!".

She immediatly passed out from shock. He doesn't want to drive off the sheer cliff or smash strait into a rock wall... He purposely scrapes the side of the RV against the side wall, tipping the RV onto the driver's side. They eventually grind to a stop, my aunt is still passed out and hanging by the seat belt.

He yells " Joan, Joan! Wake up, we're alive!"