16 reasons to move out of California


Well-Known Member
Yup. Don't like snow, humidity or bugs and when I think of California I definitely think of San Diego. I also liked Monterey when I was there and I'm planning to check out San Fran as well but the property prices there give me a nosebleed so it probably won't get more than a visit. My brother was out in Santa Fe N.M. this past week and I asked him to grab me some real estate info, that's another place I'm interested in.

Northern New Mexico is awesome. Make a trip there to see for yourself.


golden ticket member
Being the entire state elected Boxer and Feinstein as a matched pair, this seems to disprove your point.

San Fran is it's own world! The state is overloaded with Democrats......There are lots of Republicans in O.C., but not enough to cancel out the Democratic people's votes.

B. & friend. are not my BFF's!!!!!

Remember though, the entire state shot down gay marriage !!!