177 and the west come through.


Well-Known Member
I would gladly take a pay freeze to bring part timers up in wages. No problem. But look at all the whining about the little changes to healthcare. Could you imagine the revolt on this board if that was agreed to? Oh! The mob would form and head to Louisiana Ave. With their pitchforks and nooses.

I also agree Starting Pay SUCKS. Now add in that Obama wants Min wage to be $9 for easy work, and UPS hard work is only $1 more??

If a part timer with less than 4-5 years has to go to the doctor, and it is major medical or whatever it takes to start paying that $1,000 / $2,000 out of pocket expense, and the Last year Deductible now, it takes several pay checks to even cover that.

We shouldn't have to Give up anything, the Company is making Record Profits. IBT is getting the Biggest Raise Ever this Contract, so why do we have to give up stuff? IBT is to make $22 an hour per employee per hour at the end of the contract....

I would gladly take that added on to my hourly pay and find my own insurance and pension.... Anway that isn't how a union works sooooooo....

I would have no problem helping the company out if it was hurting, and not scheduled to make record profits in the future with USPS dying out, and online orders getting bigger every year....


New Member
YOU live in Ohio, not California.....
Its more expensive the healthcare in the western region than it is in other places of the US. If we were to stay with the Central region out Health plan would be less that what We have.... That is not acceptable..


The agreement on the carve out plan for LU 177 and the West was reached 2 weeks ago and we still don't have any information. How difficult is it to put a summary of the plan together and post it?
The agreement on the carve out plan for LU 177 and the West was reached 2 weeks ago and we still don't have any information. How difficult is it to put a summary of the plan together and post it?
They are also working on other stuff like getting pension raises and other stuff. They want to show everything at once.


Active Member
They don't want the people in the central to know what you got, so they won't have to give them the same!! I say."goodluck trying to pass the central.".


Well-Known Member
I hope this "carve out" is not the only thing the Local 177 E-Board has been working on. Since we are not even voting yet, hopefully they are making changes to the supplement. I'm hoping we can get a similar deal that Local 804 has.


Well-Known Member
The ballots are out.its funny how the members 1st slate doesn't have someone on the ballot for President and one of the trustees is missing too. They are still pushing their agenda and also saying that the executive slate didn't keep the membership informed. Yet they haven't explained why their 2 people were disqualified from running. Why????


New Member
I'm The Shop steward in the Parsippany Plant Engineering Dept. We had alot of questions on the new proposals in the new supplement, where not happy with the handyman language but Bob Churney and Al Betts came to Parsippany and explained it to us and it makes sense. I think the Executive Board did a good job on negotiating our contract. Vote for the 177 Executive Board Slate!!!!!!