Say what you will---it matters little to me.
$30/hr plus benefits for a job which requires only a driver's license and HS diploma is nothing to sneeze at yet many of you seem to take it for granted. Your sense of entitlement amuses me.
We have all worked crappy jobs. I worked for minimum wage in a Christmas bulb factory during the summer while going to college. There were people who had worked there for 30-40 years who worked 12 hours a day attaching the metal hangers to the painted bulbs for barely more than minimum wage. Their fingers were heavily taped from all of the cuts they had sustained over the years. This was the text book definition of a dead end job.
We had a driver bang in Friday which left us short staffed. The PDS called in a 22.3 to run the area, pulled the NDA (which he gave to an air driver) and a 10-20 stop residential split (which he gave to me) which brought the area just under 8 hours. I sent an ODS to the OMS asking her to tell the driver I would be at a dropbox stop at 1730 if he wanted to meet me, dump his pickups and finish the area and she told me that 22.3 was OK. He punched out before me. The area was run efficiently, the customers were taken care of and the pickups were completed. Turns out he could have run the residential split and, if he had started on time, ran his own NDA.
My point? The work was done by an employee making $23/hr. He followed EDD and ran the area in trace. The customers were taken care of and the company saved at least $60 on the area.
Lower starting wage ($15/hr), longer progession (5 years) and a lower top out ($25/hr) with the monetary adjusted annually.