"The evolution of labor, vote APWA"
Hmmn...Now lets see! you've gone from telling Fredles in your quote 9 days ago on 11/2/06:
I have never needed or wanted a Union in my work place...I found a great job with a wonderful trucking company called Overnite.. I excepted the pay and benefits.. Great laid back work environment.
To becoming the advovate for
"The evolution of labor, vote APWA"
No spin here, RIGHT?

Does the truth come out of any orifice of your body? You seem to use the lower extremities the most.

Not at all, If you read all posts you would see the big picture, If you work for package you'd say you're gonna need representation. I've heard this from every feeder driver I've ever spoken with... So as I see "Overnite" get digested by UPS I see the changes, the Terminal Managers whom once got the answers to your questions now just shrug their shoulders, it's like talking to a vending machine. Sound familiar? Job descriptions are being rewritten by the week. As you witness this it is not hard to see the future.
The employees getting tired of this, wanting to show the company they are mad, they go running to the closest thing they believe can help, that is the IBT to seek representation. I personally, would survive at UPS without representation for a while, but this leaves future planning uncertain. One thinks? Old corrupt Teamsters? Or the outfit that was founded by good workers once Teamster. Van & Danny have seen the
BS time and time again. They have put it all on the line, nobody does this without a sense of "there is nothing to loose". If they have the metal for this APWA push, I have nothing to loose either.
I'll never sign a card for the IBT ever. Yes I could quit and get another great job most anywhere within 24 hrs earning basically the same cash and bennies. If you were my co worker you also would have heard me say on many occasions, " I like the idea of representation" BUT not Teamster style. Take a survey on your own. Ask random people "What comes to mind when you hear the word Teamster?" I guarantee you ask anyone with any financial or business interests and they will give you a thug/criminal/mob affilliation like response. As "their" perception of the Teamsters. Then ask some old drivers (most likely former teamster)at a truckstop if they have ever worked as a Teamster? Listen to what they haven't gotten? As promised. After doing this, if you still feel wonderful sticking with the Teamsters then stay with them!
This doesn't mean you or maybe the majority of IBT members are "Thug like" Just stuck in a situation you can tolerate and you aren't uncomfortable enough to quit and work as non union. ( I don't like the idea of a UPS package as non union, the good jobs would go away) So you support what you know.
I also believe that UPS doesn't have a clue on how to deal with a "non union" work force our size. UPS has had the union contract process so long, they know nothing else. Once again, If I believed UPSF could stay "happy" non union I would be for this. Given UPS' reputation and the proximity of the IBT. I can't see my wish coming true. So it's the APWA and the "Evolution of Labor" Maybe I gave you to much information? Question is are you going to evolve or go extinct?
Without UPS' cash the IBT is going, going, gone! As it is now without the APWA, the IBT is beholden to Eskew and he sees this; so don't expect any great improvements under the IBT "New Contract" The IBT will take what it gets and like it. Does this sound like "representation" of any quality? So stay with the IBT yes you can! But how long will the party last? Even if you make it to retirement this doesn't help you, the pension funds are behind and with no new large influx of members you still lose. As I to will loose with Social Security in 2027.
Hope this helps you some?