Age quod agis
Oh, yeah--it didn't help that my AARP card came in the mail last week.
Oh, yeah--it didn't help that my AARP card came in the mail last week.
I heard the same thing, some management, namely supervisors and some managers are being offered early retirement.
I heard that the buyout will be for any non-union person over the age of 55.....The terms will be the same as the one of 2010...The offer begins early april 2011...This in response to both the need for cut backs, the degree of planned out sourcing and the cost of lawsuits of not including supervisors in the 2010 buyout. I know that will finally certainly clear the company of the veteran people who are just rusting away..waiting...waiting..waiting...for their social security etc........I heard some songs on the oldies station with lyrics "get it while you can" rust never sleeps" " why cant you retire and get out of our way".....there may be more but that was their generation when they were young and wanted the old people give them some space !......
Ok....Are we wishing, guessing, just pushing on a rumor or getting younger management firing up older management. If any truth to it, with the new year QPR and P&L rules maybe mgmt can just get forced or pressured to leave normally and save company money. Quit early or fired and leave all RSU's on the table.
It would be nice.....BUT..doubtful.......Tieguy, Pretzel & Hoaxster ?????? Comments or thoughts on this one.
Ok....Are we wishing, guessing, just pushing on a rumor or getting younger management firing up older management. If any truth to it, with the new year QPR and P&L rules maybe mgmt can just get forced or pressured to leave normally and save company money. Quit early or fired and leave all RSU's on the table.
It would be nice.....BUT..doubtful.......Tieguy, Pretzel & Hoaxste ?????? Comments or thoughts on this one.
Ok....Are we wishing, guessing, just pushing on a rumor or getting younger management firing up older management. If any truth to it, with the new year QPR and P&L rules maybe mgmt can just get forced or pressured to leave normally and save company money. Quit early or fired and leave all RSU's on the table.
It would be nice.....BUT..doubtful.......Tieguy, Pretzel & Hoaxste ?????? Comments or thoughts on this one.
Pretzelman,Not going to happen....
There isn't excess management now. In fact there are some openings.
I heard it was due to the lawsuit brought about by that group of supervisors who were discriminated against for not being included in this years buy out offers.perhaps another offer will be that all the elderly management over 50 will have full retirement.that will clear them out and make room for the youngsters.
The comment that there are some Management openings are true if we look at some low level operation positions. On the other hand every knows that while we drastically reduced Regions and Districts --Corporate has a long way to go -many still hanging on after the 2010 offering .
I know where we can down size...
All the people doing the region safety audit...
If the same 9 people who came to our area to do the safety audit, gave the same amount of scrutiny to time studies (fix it, give the proper allowence, etc, etc,) in any center we would save at least $500k a year in my center alone.
Believe me I am not stalking you and again I agree with most of your very informed and balanced posts.
My point was that I believe we have made good solid reductions in the number of District and Region level management and admin people --just by eliminating their positions and not leaving too many other choices. With the retirement offering some in Corporate made the move but without "positions" being eliminated there are still too many hanging on. As you know it would not be proper to name names --but you work there- can you still see the trees while standing in the forest? Corporate has a long way to go and attrition is a very long process when dealing with some of the highest paid management.
Bottom line I was just disagreeing with the statement that we do not have any excess management. Is not the cafeteria still rather full during multiple coffee breaks and lunch ??
Reading, PA?
UPS will keep the Keter team fully funded to avoid potential fines from the government.
Not sure about what you are saying....
The district openings are entry level supervisor positions. More entry level openings will come.
Yes, I think Corporate is still too big and fat. They have shrunk, but can shrink more. I'm seeing fewer replacements than before (at least that's how it seems). Most groups seem smaller now.
I think it will be a while before promotions really begin again. I don't see it hapennig due to growth, so it will be via attrition I guess.