2023 contract

You're spinning your wheels. You're still reminding me how good I have it while I remain stagnant. Never did I say a part-time job of this type should support a family. Many of the long-tenured part-timers hold other full-time or part-time jobs. They are the ones that have been screwed by the teamsters. You're never winning an argument when your position necessitates reminding people how good they have it while actively screwing them over. It seems to me the full-timers have filled their tummies and still want to take more of the cake from part-timers.
Then you fail to understand what I'm saying

If you want to fill your tummy go driving

Do not equate somebody that unloads a truck or loads the truck to anywhere near responsibility as somebody that drives the truck

If you want the money go out and earn it

The Range

In too deep
Then you fail to understand what I'm saying

If you want to fill your tummy go driving

Do not equate somebody that unloads a truck or loads the truck to anywhere near responsibility as somebody that drives the truck

If you want the money go out and earn it

Go driving because the drivers took all of the cake? I'd prefer to stay part-time and have the union negotiate raises that outpace minimum wage. Not wages that are substandard to the point the company pays new hires more off-contract. Last I checked there were many full-timers unloading and loading trucks. Remind me again why they make more per hour than part-timers doing the same work? No need to sit on the high horse and preach to people while the teamsters continually negotiate subpar contracts that keep employees' overall package stagnant.


Well-Known Member
If I could get a full time inside inside I'd jump on it. 4 years then making 32ish an hour. Seems worth it in the long run. I'm sure it's going to take me a while to get an inside inside combo but I just keep doing doubles until my seniority is high enough: )

It's 34.10 here. Going to be just under $36 come August 1.
Go driving because the drivers took all of the cake? I'd prefer to stay part-time and have the union negotiate raises that outpace minimum wage. Not wages that are substandard to the point the company pays new hires more off-contract. Last I checked there were many full-timers unloading and loading trucks. Remind me again why they make more per hour than part-timers doing the same work? No need to sit on the high horse and preach to people while the teamsters continually negotiate subpar contracts that keep employees' overall package stagnant.
You are hopeless

Hopefully you find a job somewhere else because you do not understand how this place works

The Range

In too deep
You are hopeless

Hopefully you find a job somewhere else because you do not understand how this place works
I understand well how this place works. It functions on greed and pitting people against each other. I can immediately pinpoint it when full-time employees act condescending towards 'lower tiers' and can only offer up condolences and excuses while telling them they have it so good. The final act is typically telling them to go full-time if they don't like it or go elsewhere. Meanwhile, full-timers cannibalize themselves with tiered wages. The problem is the union is its membership and the membership as a whole is borderline *. It's no wonder UPS negotiators take the teamsters to the woodshed for each contract.
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I understand well how this place works. It functions on greed and pitting people against each other. I can immediately pinpoint it when full-time employees act condescending towards lower tiers and can only offer up condolences and excuses while telling them they have it so good. The final act is typically telling them to go full-time if they don't like it or go elsewhere. Meanwhile, full-timers cannibalize themselves with tiered wages. The problem is the union is its membership and the membership as a whole is borderline retarded. It's no wonder UPS negotiators take the teamsters to the woodshed for each contract.
Like I said if you want to make the big butts they driving.
And this contract 8s going to be different


Well-Known Member
Heard UPS might just close up shop. Divide all the assets between remaining employees and call it a day. Everyone is just tired and doesn't want to do it anymore.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Then you fail to understand what I'm saying

If you want to fill your tummy go driving

Do not equate somebody that unloads a truck or loads the truck to anywhere near responsibility as somebody that drives the truck

If you want the money go out and earn it
Half of the 22.3's in my building load or unload trucks. Yet they make more than a starting package car driver.

The Range

In too deep
I think they need to go driving instead of letting people off the street take those jobs
I run a business. Many other long-tenured PTers are in similar situations. We do not want to go driving. We also don't appreciate being held hostage and our vote nullified by 18 year old's passing through, not that there is anything wrong with that group of employees. The system was set up this way for a reason and the demographics won't change. I think you're part of the problem and don't realize it. Your solution is to suck it up and be grateful for what I have (which is shrinking each contract), go full-time, or quit. I think none of those are reasonable options.
I run a business. Many other long-tenured PTers are in similar situations. We do not want to go driving. We also don't appreciate being held hostage and our vote nullified by 18 year old's passing through, not that there is anything wrong with that group of employees. The system was set up this way for a reason and the demographics won't change. I think you're part of the problem and don't realize it.
Like I said man up get a brown uniform and go out driving and get back to me

The Range

In too deep
Because people do not want to make it a career

Also they cannot work 40 years part-time and get full-time wages
You keep saying this as if there is a point. If part-timers and full-timers made the same hourly wage, part-timers wouldn't take home the same paycheck. You and I started going back and forth because I pointed out new hires make the same or more than a 10-year union employee. You've managed to turn this into PT vs FT because that's how bad these contracts are - the only escape is to join the ranks of the 1% drivers until that too is no longer a viable option.
You keep saying this as if there is a point. If part-timers and full-timers made the same hourly wage, part-timers wouldn't take home the same paycheck. You and I started going back and forth because I pointed out new hires make the same or more than a 10-year union employee. You've managed to turn this into PT vs FT.
Well if that was the case I wasn't working side instead of taking responsible a job of driving
So do you honestly think people that work apart time inside should make the same wage as a driver?
They have no responsibilities do not have to deal with the weather and don't have to deal with the public

If driving so easy go out and do it or shut the hell up swear to God


Well-Known Member
Pointing out the benefits package is a distraction. The bottom line is an employee with a year in gets the same benefits package and the same pay rate as someone with 10 years. If you're a part-timer with a decent work ethic, you're better off leaving the union and banking the dues money.
How so? You couldn’t afford the benefits you receive as a part-time employee. So they definitely are important.

The Range

In too deep
Well if that was the case I wasn't working side instead of taking responsible a job of driving
So do you honestly think people that work apart time inside should make the same wage as a driver?
They have no responsibilities do not have to deal with the weather and don't have to deal with the public

If driving so easy go out and do it or shut the hell up swear to God
I think drivers should be on one tier and share the same wage. I don't care if that wage is 70/hour - good for you. I also think there is something very wrong with a new hire making more than a 10-year union employee and the solution is not to tell the 10-year employee how good their benefits are and if they don't like it man up and go drive.