2024 Paris Olympics


Well-Known Member

Looks like the Paris Olympics are already off to a rocky start. I really have a bad feeling about these games. I think something big is going to happen and it won’t be good. Parisian’s are complaining about all the security. Any thoughts?
multi culturism hard at work.


Well-Known Member
A couple from Denver who live abroad and travel all over doing YouTube videos were just in several locations in France including Paris. They found it a lot cleaner than they expected and said from everything they experienced don't believe what you see reported on tv. No doubt they didn't go into some dangerous neighborhoods but they found the city as a whole very pleasant. Paris is still one of the world's top tourist cities and somehow that doesn't jibe with what we get told on tv. I don't care for really huge cities but like NYC it's one of those places everyone should see once.
i would expect paris would have cleaned up for the olympics. Any large city has its challenges liberal :censored2: holes more so than others.


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t have the first clue about Paris except what rightwing media tells them
did you think that one through? anything that happens in the world is available now on social media.
I have family in germany and belgium that are constantly posting news stories of things going on there. They have some of the same migrant issues there that we have and in some ways worse. I don't know how many videos I've seen of africans crapping on the subway trains.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
did you think that one through? anything that happens in the world is available now on social media.
I have family in germany and belgium that are constantly posting news stories of things going on there. They have some of the same migrant issues there that we have and in some ways worse. I don't know how many videos I've seen of africans crapping on the subway trains.
I’ve said it many times, you can’t have mass migrations of people from Third World countries and think they will adapt to First World norms. Not gonna happen. Limited migration, yes.


nowhere special
did you think that one through? anything that happens in the world is available now on social media.
I have family in germany and belgium that are constantly posting news stories of things going on there. They have some of the same migrant issues there that we have and in some ways worse. I don't know how many videos I've seen of africans crapping on the subway trains.
Sweden too learned what happens when you welcome a bunch of those people into their country.


Well-Known Member
These are some sick people to mock people’s religion
