2024 Paris Olympics


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
All I know is Omega's commemorative 859 looks amazing.



Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
A decapitated Marie Antoinette holding her own singing head was my big WTF moment. That's gonna seriously disturb some kids.
The French are so extra

I get that it's just another demented thing for leftists and they're fine with kids being exposed to anything. But some people will care about that being unexpectedly shown on NBC while a lot of kids are watching.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I get that it's just another demented thing for leftists and they're fine with kids being exposed to anything. But some people will care about that being unexpectedly shown on NBC while a lot of kids are watching.
Must protect the children from strange art but not from forcing them to give birth to their rapist's child or flee their state. Must protec the children from weird stuff but not from maniacs who too easily get their hands on AR-15 rifles with 30-round mags.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
A decapitated Marie Antoinette holding her own singing head was my big WTF moment. That's gonna seriously disturb some kids.
The French are so extra
I get that it's just another demented thing for leftists and they're fine with kids being exposed to anything. But some people will care about that being unexpectedly shown on NBC while a lot of kids are watching.
Must protect the children from strange art but not from forcing them to give birth to their rapist's child or flee their state. Must protec the children from weird stuff but not from maniacs who too easily get their hands on AR-15 rifles with 30-round mags.

You'll have to ask the Trumpees about that. Just my thoughts on this having been aired on NBC today.





Looks like the Paris Olympics are already off to a rocky start. I really have a bad feeling about these games. I think something big is going to happen and it won’t be good. Parisian’s are complaining about all the security. Any thoughts?
We were talking about this at dinner I feel the same way Hate to be this way but to many Muslims running loose over there
Go ahead burn me down