@Eazy38: While I haven't reviewed the contract language (if it has changed over the last few contracts), it certainly used to be that the job, as you described it, does indeed fall under Article 40 as far as pay rate: FT Air Driver rate for driving & Inside work pay rate based on your PT seniority date. There were plenty of these jobs in my Local to have clearly established this pay schedule (I believe it was/is the lowest paying FT job assuming one isn't a 'red-circled' PT or mostly driving). I actually won a bid for this job description a long time ago, and this is what I expected, based on reading the contract language, and talking with stewards & the business agent. The main advantages of this job are, or at least used to be: you're now full time-FT guarantee of hours, vesting towards FT pension, FT seniority date (many people here used that to be able to bid into 'better' 22.3 jobs-that have the better inside-inside pay schedule). Of course now, there are more FT package car drivers willing to bid 'down' to 22.3, if they're not willing to bid 'up' to feeder.
Caveat: my Local is technically a separate contract and not a party to the NMA, but the contract language was always identical, and I'm not aware of any differences of intent (during negotiations) or interpretation (grievance/arbitration).
Q: Is this a new position, or filling a vacancy? If it's a new job, that might explain why your center manager gave you an incorrect answer (without checking with Labor & Payroll and/or Finance). But to be honest, this position is probably at or near the bottom of his/her priorities.