22.4 s lives matter too.


Well-Known Member
We are having this issue, a bunch of 22.4 got a call to go RPCD and you have hub employees that waited and passed on a 22.4 being passed over and now grievances are being filed and hr is saying they messed up. Management doesn’t know what the :censored2: is happening. And some of us have been moved and others are just waiting as 22.4 still even thou we signed the bid sheet and filled out the application

had some covers as well passing up on 22.4 just because they don’t want to work weekends.....which I can say too I’m not to thrilled to work Saturday's but as other on here said if it means me moving on upwards and gaining full time progression etc I’m all for it..... a lot of those guys don’t get it that my full time progression passes them up on being offered full time

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
As it stands now, Article 22.4 is a two edged sword that almost exclusively benefits the company. I say almost exclusively because I have seen a few 22.4s that are hardworking and see this opportunity for what it is: a way into one of the few remaining careers that can provide a six figure income with only a high school education. They can do the job and this job has improved their standard of living for their families. With that said, you have to beat UPS at its own game. 22.4 was going to be pushed through with or without the support of the membership. As mentioned before, too many veteran RPCDs only care about what's in it for them, everyone else be damned. And sadly, many others in the membership just don't care. If you give UPS an inch, it will take ten miles. Expect more concessions in this next contract. UPS has set the tone for a backdoor way into a lower paid, replaceable workforce. UPS drivers used to be a fixture in the community. A guy could hold a route for 15+ years, watch families grow, and have the trust of the people. UPS is slowly turning this respected career into a cheap, replaceable, floating pool of drivers that are here today, gone tomorrow, all driven by their arbitrary numbers. Sickening.


Well-Known Member
That's not at all what I saw here leading up to the last contract. The overwhelming majority of us full-time RPCD's implored those in the part-time ranks to take a long hard look at what the future could look like if Hoffa and Taylor's 22.4 sellout to the company didn't get smacked down by the hourlies.

We all saw what the part-timers did...or more accurately, didn't do in the face of that. Same thing they always don't do. As usual, they were too stupid to fill out a ballot that was mailed to them, put the ballot in an envelope provided, and simply drop it in a mailbox. Three of the easiest tasks in the world a person who can listen, read, walk, and talk could ever do and yet the part-timers once again couldn't be bothered to participate in the process of calling Hoffa's and Taylor's bluff.

Does it suck to be a 22.4? Absolutely it does which is why nobody should sign up for the position in it's current form. RPCD's shouldn't sacrifice anything they've earned over the last 15, 20, or 30 years in an attempt to clean up another mess the part-timers made. They already are forced to do that far too often on a daily basis as it is dealing with endless misloaded packages. There's no making 22.4 better in the future. The company created it specifically so it would be worse than an RPCD position. Part-timers made that bed all by themselves. It's time they started paying for their mistakes for a change.

Lol what?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say for half the pay. I'm still not at top rate. When I started I made 18.75 an hour and qualified literally days before black friday. So I went from my training route to a blown out rental in a blind area working 70 hours a week for 18.75 an hour. Just gotta stick with the program bud.


Well-Known Member
Is he asking to force them to give him a job?
I’m a 22.4 and got called to go RPCD along with some other 22.4 who has right around the same building seniority as me. A couple of us already were moved mom-fri. A couple 22.4 drivers and me still waiting. Management is pissed because hr messed up and called us to early and they can’t cover Saturday if they move us all now. He says they messed up and that some of us may have to stay 22.4. On top of that , there are full timer and part timers in the hub with 5+ years of building seniority that passed on the 22.4 gig , but they are saying they are ahead of us on the list because they stared way before us. Does this make since , and a steward I talk to if fighting for the hub guys.


Well-Known Member
had some covers as well passing up on 22.4 just because they don’t want to work weekends.....which I can say too I’m not to thrilled to work Saturday's but as other on here said if it means me moving on upwards and gaining full time progression etc I’m all for it..... a lot of those guys don’t get it that my full time progression passes them up on being offered full time
Okay, but I’m not sure it does, give you the opportunity first , check you supplement because the language I’m my supplement say, “22.4 can sign his/her name on the part-time to full-time list to promote into the following of other full time jobs, 22.2 full time inside jobs, 22.3 full time combination jobs, and RPCD.” That quote is what our steward is using to fight for the part timers that passed on the 22.4 gig and waited for RPCD. Some of those guys have 10 years seniority. For example, I have 2 years hub seniority. 1 year hub and 1 year 22.4. I got called with other newer 22.4s but the part timers and saying they should have been called first. So he is saying they messed up and we may have to stay 22.4 even thou I signed an intent and filled out an application already 😕


Well-Known Member
I believe he's trying to say that he has the right to bid on that RPCD job over the 22.4 driver because the bid says for part-timers only, if I understood him correctly
I’m asking if a part timer with 5 years hub seniority has priority over a 22.4 with 2 years hub seniority because we both had to sign the part time to full time list


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
13 hours a day keeps the Saturdays away! ...MECH-lift doesn’t work 6 days a week even during peak. UPS doesn’t want to pay me double time for 8 hours being a helper.


Well-Known Member
I’m asking if a part timer with 5 years hub seniority has priority over a 22.4 with 2 years hub seniority because we both had to sign the part time to full time list

You have full-time seniority over part timers regardless of how long they've been there since 22.4 is a full time job.

If they created a 22.3 job and no one wanted it but you, and there were no other 22.3 jobs at your center, you got the job, but then another 22.3 job got created that you wanted instead, you would be first in line for that job because you have 22.3 seniority over ppl who have been there for 30 years as non 22.3s.


Well-Known Member
You have full-time seniority over part timers regardless of how long they've been there since 22.4 is a full time job.

If they created a 22.3 job and no one wanted it but you, and there were no other 22.3 jobs at your center, you got the job, but then another 22.3 job got created that you wanted instead, you would be first in line for that job because you have 22.3 seniority over ppl who have been there for 30 years as non 22.3s.