22.4s family lives Don't matter.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
how do you know you share nicely in the profits?

wages for workers have been flat adj for inflation since 73. meanwhile corporations have record profits.

i dont think the playing field is anywhere near level, and i think the union is corrupt.

but at least you have a union
I'm living very well. No complaints other than the union being weak.


Well-Known Member
That’s how all this works

You work you get paid and you are able to move out of moms basement into a real house. Not the back of a car
rents and mortgages are inflated. the system is broken.

so no thanks to that and over time. work is boring after 5 hrs anyways.


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
Wow, you just don't get it. You can take your generalizations and stick'em right where you seem to enjoy getting it. As for me, I will stick up for myself and my fellow brothers and sisters in what we feel we deserve! If you feel the need to devalue yourself and if your definition of, "being a man" is bending over that is your problem, don't go trying to include me and other self respecting teamsters in your pitty party!

I listed jobs in companies that pay as well and have better bennies! If you are to lazy to read the entire thread that's on you! Thankfully, most Teamsters don't feel the need to devalue themselves as you do. Self respect still means something to some of us.
Than quit Mr Misery and make that easy money at those thousands of jobs. Oh wait.. your only here to help out your fellow teamsters,, that’s why you stay here Mr miserable


Well-Known Member
22.4 are just cover drivers with a fancy new name I did cover for 3 years before going fulltime it sucked but worth it. Rather work 1 job then 3 part time jobs and make better money.


Got the T-Shirt
I'm living very well. No complaints other than the union being weak.

If you mean the Union is weak because of lack of participation from the members....

I would agree.

No; not under this contract we will not.

Depends on your supplement.

22.4 are just cover drivers with a fancy new name I did cover for 3 years before going fulltime it sucked but worth it. Rather work 1 job then 3 part time jobs and make better money.

It's funny, how entitled people are these days.

This generation has a need for immediate gratification, not wanting to put in the time.



Inordinately Right
22.4 are just cover drivers with a fancy new name I did cover for 3 years before going fulltime it sucked but worth it. Rather work 1 job then 3 part time jobs and make better money.
So you are ok with 25 percent of drivers being TCDs.... that's a giant concession.

It's funny, how entitled people are these days.

This generation has a need for immediate gratification, not wanting to put in the time.

Says the guy who never had to be a TCD, never had to be a 22.4, and never had to go through a 4 year progression.

Rationalize it however you want buddy, hope it makes you feel better about accepting a sellout contract.


Got the T-Shirt
Says the guy who never had to be a TCD, never had to be a 22.4, and never had to go through a 4 year progression.

We don't have TCD's in my supplement.

Nobody has been a 22.4.... yet.

I started out at $6.92 an hour, loading drop frame trailers.

The progression was 150 days. We wore long pants and steel toe boots.

The average wait for a full-time driving job was 8 years.

Most of us.... made it.



Inordinately Right
We don't have TCD's in my supplement.
Nobody has been a 22.4.... yet.
The progression was 150 days.

So like I said, you are calling people entitled for being against 22.4 because it is a huge extension of the progression.... Yet you didn't have to go through it yourself.
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