25 and Out...


Nine Lives
It Suck We Were Told As Of 2014 UPS Is Going To Let Medicare Take Care Of Us No Benefits After 65 So Vote No On contract

That's nothing new.
Retiree healthcare always becomes secondary and severely reduced at 65.
​I remember drivers complaining about this 30 years ago.


Heard rumor's about some changes in the new contract proposal that ups is going to do something to the combined service pension where you cannot add your parttime and fulltime years together anymore has anyone heard of this?


Retired 23 years
That's nothing new.
Retiree healthcare always becomes secondary and severely reduced at 65.
​I remember drivers complaining about this 30 years ago.

Actualy Medicare cost me $98 bucks a month-my supplement cost another $106 and any meds I get from the VA for free. Factor in that my supplement plan now pays for my YMCA membeship (Silver Sneakers) and I actually pay less now for coverage for myself than I did when I was covered under the Teamster plan. We won't talk about how much it costs to keep Mrs. Rod insured-----but Obama is going to fix that---right?


Actualy Medicare cost me $98 bucks a month-my supplement cost another $106 and any meds I get from the VA for free. Factor in that my supplement plan now pays for my YMCA membeship (Silver Sneakers) and I actually pay less now for coverage for myself than I did when I was covered under the Teamster plan. We won't talk about how much it costs to keep Mrs. Rod insured-----but Obama is going to fix that---right?

I have not read any of your opinions on how this new ta will affect you. do you approve of it ?
I just retired in April from the western conference out of Tucson. 28 years with 25 counting toward pension (3 years non-union). With a monthly benefit for my wife if I die my monthly check after taxes $3062.00 with a 50 dollar premium for same insurance.


Well-Known Member
I hate to burst your bubble but unless you win a multimillion dollar lottery a person will always worry about money. The secret is as it has always been ----live within your means. Even though I was always paid an excellant wage at UPS I never felt that I was "wealthy". I lived comfortably but no where near extravegantly. I could have lived better. With my credit rating I'm sure I could have financed pretty much anything I wanted-.i.e. bigger house- fancier car. I always tell anyone who asked how I was able to retire at 53 that "I wasn't a rich man when I was working so I didn't expect to be one when I retired. If you retire debt free with a decent nest egg you will have no problem maintaining your lifestyle. I only know of one retired UPS driver who dosen't have to worry about money--------------Thats because he married a rich widow after he retired.

is he still married to that rich widow?

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Most of us today aren't going full time until we're older. Many of us in our 30's. For me, 34. So 25 years takes me to 59. 30 years to 64. Not like the good 'ol days where guys got on in their low 20's.

Does "25 and out" (or "30 and out") count your part time years? I understand that if it does, it's at a reduced rate but is that how it works?


nowhere special
Part time years count for years of service towards your retirement but you would get a reduced pension for the part time years. One check for the full time pension plus a smaller check for part time years each month.


Retired 23 years
is he still married to that rich widow?

Actually no he isn't ----- he did quite well with the divorce (got a lake house and other stuff) and now he has moved on to wife number three. She has a house in Airizon so he just left to spend the winter there. She is much younger and better looking than the rich one (he does have a pre-nup with her). I think he has discovered the true meaning of life.:happy-very:


nowhere special


B.C. boohoo buster.
I can't leave until I'm 57 by pension plan rules. I'll have 30 when I'm about 56 so I haven't decided if I'll just work through that peak and wait until my birthday in late July to start collecting. My concern is the pension plan pulling the wool out from under me when my birthday comes. If anything I'll work until March of my 57s year and take about 2 months off then take another 2 months vacation in the new calendar year which should take me to last week in June. Then hokey pokey around until my birthday.

Subject to anymore changes in the pension plan and eligibility. I know some center managers who quit when they found out UPS changed there plan. They weren't going to work another 10 to 14 years. Neither am I.


nowhere special
Almost everyone in my center who was eligible retired before things changed. Take the money and run - while you still can. About 1/3 of the drivers retired in past 2 years.


Well-Known Member
I can't leave until I'm 57 by pension plan rules. I'll have 30 when I'm about 56 so I haven't decided if I'll just work through that peak and wait until my birthday in late July to start collecting. My concern is the pension plan pulling the wool out from under me when my birthday comes. If anything I'll work until March of my 57s year and take about 2 months off then take another 2 months vacation in the new calendar year which should take me to last week in June. Then hokey pokey around until my birthday.

Subject to anymore changes in the pension plan and eligibility. I know some center managers who quit when they found out UPS changed there plan. They weren't going to work another 10 to 14 years. Neither am I.

Our pension plan is severely underfunded and is currently in a rehabilitation plan. Employees who were within 5 years of their 30 were grandfathered and could retire with a minimal penalty per year (3%?). I would think that you being so close to your retirement age you would be protected from any pension cuts.