3 day weekend


Well-Known Member
So rpcds get sat Sunday and Monday off, three days, but 22.4s only get Sunday Monday off? Shouldn’t 22.4s the Tuesday off to have a three day weekend too?
Sorry about that but in a few years and a few job reclassifications you will gain seniority and never have to worry about this ever again. Until then enjoy the job and don’t plan on any things going your way…


Well-Known Member
Our old center manager would have all 22.4s off Tuesdays after holidays. Our new one has them all working Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
Just the way it is. The thing that is real unfair is that rpcd drivers are forced to work 6 days week in and week out while a 22.4 is enjoying his Sunday and Mondays off. Would hope this gets addressed come contract. My center was fairly light, don’t think any 22.4 drivers worked.


Well-Known Member
So rpcds get sat Sunday and Monday off, three days, but 22.4s only get Sunday Monday off? Shouldn’t 22.4s the Tuesday off to have a three day weekend too?
RCPD don't get Mondays off, you have 55 people scheduled for 25 routes and 30 drivers show up. So your seeing the same 5 drivers go home every Monday. The 25 drivers (call in) use FMLA etc,etc.