((You are entitled to your opinion and you have made your point. Row A not using computers? can we be a little realistic here please?????? Maybe I will give you Tony M and Tom C but this is a 7500 person union with a credit union and benefits so to say not using computers I had to chuckle. Now you are also saying take the $400,000 from union dues money and put it into the medical fund? I have a better idea...... Take that money and educate the members(God knows some need it) and do what needs to be done to restore that fund to keep us on track. If you would rather go back to the old ways being kept in the dark then don't listen when the BA comes into the building.
They said they were not going to keep us in the dark, and communication with the members is a start.If you voted Row B, I voted Row A!
One other thing, try to make it a point to read the actuaries report from last year.She said the funds were mismanaged in her report and Howie was the one who hired her. It is what it is and it was what it was, thank God what it was is gone! ))
maybe you just didn't read your post to well ,please don't make it sound like I'm saying to take another $400,000 from our union dues , this is the money Row B saved by cutting there salaries to use to educate our members instead (with is a great idea ) but if the medical plan needs help then use it toward that first.I don't want to be in the dark but don't throw a number out the of $25 , but I talked to stewards in other building and they said there new BA's didnt say any thing about the medical fund or maybe going up to $25 , as far as the computers in the hall i know the credit union and the medical used computers all the time , it was the BA's computers they were talking about, we don't know what was on those hard drives or what should have been on them that Row B says is missing .. but then again how up to date Row A website was wink wink It wouldn't surprise me if Row A didn't use computers alot ,, but I guess we will find out more at the general membership meeting. and just to be clear i didn't vote for a slate I voted for T Sylvester , T Magrene , P Mastrancisa , T Donato , Neil , Angelo , Frank , David O , Ken R , Mike H , Dan P , My Dream Team lol , so to me a vote for Tim is a vote for Row B.