9/11 Conspiracy Theories

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Occam's razor: the simplest solution tends to be the correct one.

If a rogue element in our government was indeed willing to inflict mass casualties in a false flag incident....which I do find plausible....then is it logical that they would have wired up 3 buildings with thousands of pounds of explosives and then coordinated the detonations with 4 different civilian aircraft that they had arranged to be hijacked and flown into those buildings on suicide missions? All while knowing full well that the second impact and the subsequent collapse of the buildings would be among the most videotaped and exhaustively scrutinized incidents in history?

Just think about it for a moment. Such an operation would be far too complicated, have far too many potential failure points and involve far too many people who would have to be trusted to remain silent.

A rogue government agency with the resources and technical expertise to pull off a 9/11 could have easily accomplished the same thing by fabricating a couple of low-yield nukes or even a few "dirty bombs" in rental vans loaded up with plastic explosives and nuclear waste, and then detonating them in the basement of the Towers. Plant a few fake Arab passports in there, and you accomplish the same thing with only a handful of people in the know and without the need to coordinate multiple hijackings and Kamikaze missions with airliners.

Its NOT as complicated as YOU think.

If the American people could be told a viable story about Saudi Arabian hijackers, then the public would never question the event to the degree that it needs.

This was a simple operation. The hijackers DID NOT have to know about the second part of the operation. For all "they" knew, all they had to do was fly the planes into targets for money. Money that went to "their" families.

The second part of the operation was well planned. From insuring the buildings, to allowing our defenses to be lax. These hijackers pretty much flew the planes without having to worry about being shot down. That order wasnt issued until AFTER the damage was done.

As for the towers.

What strategic advantage did middle eastern men have in blowing them up?? Any damage would be a temporary victory followed by a response only the USA could provide. Taking down two pretty much EMPTY buildings wasnt a very strategic target, but when you add explosives to take them down, then the debris is the real problem.

Still, nobody can explain why building 7 fell on its own without massive fires or direct impact of aircraft.. It just simply comes down.

At no time in the history of construction has ANY steel building fell due to fire in much greater heat ranges. Only on 9/11 did two towers come down in free fall speed and one building (7) fall down on its own.

How can anyone not be suspicious about this? Why is it much easier to accept 19 Saudi hijackers were responsible for all of this??

There was great planning involved. We may never know who planned it all but we do know, that we dont have the answers.

Why were all the passports that were found unburned? Were they made out of some magic material exempt from flame? Dont you find that extremely odd?

What of the black boxes?? Why in aviation history were the black boxes not recovered?? Two in each plane, and the 9/11 commission wants us to believe the simply vanished?

Think about it sober.

Nobody wants our government to be involved, but there is NO WAY these terrorists could pull this off without assistance.

And what about the coincedences??

Let me ask you this sober, and give it some thought.

(The pilot of Flight 77 (charles burlingame III) , which allegedly hit the Pentagon on 9/11, was involved in an pentagon exercise planned a year earlier.

The Washington Post reported on 16 September 2001 that the pilot of Flight 77 was former friend-4 fighter pilot Charles Burlingame III, who in his last Navy job, developed anti-terror strategies for the Navy before retiring to fly for American Airlines. He drafted the Pentagon’s emergency response plan in case it was hit by a civilian airliner. Flight 77 allegedly struck the Pentagon. It is not clear which MASCAL Charles Burlingame III authored.

So, the pilot of flight 77, just happens to be the former navy pilot who WORKED at the pentagon before retiring from the navy and started to work for American Airlines as a flight captain.

Burlingame, who was put in charge of the pentagon defense initiative, actually planned for an attack on the pentagon using a jumbo jet and then COINCEDENTALLY it's his aircraft that gets hijacked and flowned into the pentagon?

The year before 9/11, he is working with the pentagon, flying around the pentagon working on strategic defense systems? Systems that were never deployed on 9/11 ?

Then, Burlingames daughter comes out and starts telling people something is wrong with the official story about her dads airplane hijacking and then she meets a mysterious "military" man, begins dating him, then perishes in an unexplained fire in her apartment with this man involved but claiming he locked himself out of the apartment and couldnt get back in to save her??


Its easy to say all of this was just a coincedence, thats the easiest way out of it.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Occam's razor: the simplest solution tends to be the correct one.

If a rogue element in our government was indeed willing to inflict mass casualties in a false flag incident....which I do find plausible....then is it logical that they would have wired up 3 buildings with thousands of pounds of explosives and then coordinated the detonations with 4 different civilian aircraft that they had arranged to be hijacked and flown into those buildings on suicide missions? All while knowing full well that the second impact and the subsequent collapse of the buildings would be among the most videotaped and exhaustively scrutinized incidents in history?

Just think about it for a moment. Such an operation would be far too complicated, have far too many potential failure points and involve far too many people who would have to be trusted to remain silent.

A rogue government agency with the resources and technical expertise to pull off a 9/11 could have easily accomplished the same thing by fabricating a couple of low-yield nukes or even a few "dirty bombs" in rental vans loaded up with plastic explosives and nuclear waste, and then detonating them in the basement of the Towers. Plant a few fake Arab passports in there, and you accomplish the same thing with only a handful of people in the know and without the need to coordinate multiple hijackings and Kamikaze missions with airliners.

You couldnt start two wars that way Sober.

It had to involve airplanes only for the "physical" effect of the attacks. It wasnt about the attacks however, it was about the money. Larry Silverstein made billions on the attack and is still suing for billions more. His initial investment was near nothing compared to the insurance payoffs.

The project for the New American Century wanted these wars going back to 1997 but Bill Clinton would not authorize them. PNAC contained many of the bush cabinet including the vice president and defense secretary at the time and this haunting statement was memorialized in 1997 long before 9/11 when Pnac tried to explain how they could get the US population to support a larger military and larger military actions around the world. They knew at the time, that the American public would not support multiple wars, so, like the nazi's in WWII, they created a reason.

PNAC official statement

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

Their dream of a catalyzing event could not have been better actualized than in the events of 9/11. This was their "new Pearl Harbor" and the country believed it.

Another coincedence?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Isnt it amazing, that people on this board would rather continue conversations about Kim Davis, Guns, Hillary Clinton, Whites killing people, such and so on, but wont bother to have an open discussion on one of the MOST important events of our lifetime?

Once "Science" entered the equation, the thread went silent. When it was just the standard talking points, we heard nonsense about speeds of planes, jet fuels and hijackers and "melting steel"...

The most important event of "our" lifetimes, and nobody really wants to know the truth, even if it means exposing their political party as corrupt or involved.

Thats when you know America doesnt care.



Well-Known Member
You're preaching to the choir.
Forget the political party stuff will ya?
You seem to want people to know the truth but you disavow anything Fox News says......like we're gonna get the truth from CBS, ABC or NBC. (lol)

When I mention the JFK incident on this forum all I get is the "tin foil hat" jokes. As a 6th grader I saw the same film everyone else saw. JFK's head rocks back and then forward. I wasn't a physicist or a rocket scientist in the 6th grade but common sense told me JFK got shot from the front. The Warren Commission said otherwise, because the government believes we are so stupid that we believe everything we are told.

Years later as I drive my feeder truck down the highway, in the middle of the night, I listen to talk radio. The doctor that attended to JFK that fateful day was doing his internship and couldn't speak out for fear of being "blackballed" the rest of his career. He said JFK clearly took it from the front.

Fast forward to today.
There are concerns about martial law.
There are concerns about ISIS infiltrating our borders disguised as "refugees".
Some believe the middle easterners didn't have enough training to know how to fly the planes into the respective buildings and that it was an inside job. I almost believe that.

Our country is crumbling but we are all too busy dividing things by political party, race, sex and opinions.

Tin foil hat jokes aside, there is an agenda to bring down the United States. It is coming from above our current administration. It will occur in small, incremental "baby steps".

So there are no misunderstandings, I agree with the videos and theory you propose about Sept 11........just leave the political party stuff out of it please.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You're preaching to the choir.
Forget the political party stuff will ya?
You seem to want people to know the truth but you disavow anything Fox News says......like we're gonna get the truth from CBS, ABC or NBC. (lol)

When I mention the JFK incident on this forum all I get is the "tin foil hat" jokes. As a 6th grader I saw the same film everyone else saw. JFK's head rocks back and then forward. I wasn't a physicist or a rocket scientist in the 6th grade but common sense told me JFK got shot from the front. The Warren Commission said otherwise, because the government believes we are so stupid that we believe everything we are told.

Years later as I drive my feeder truck down the highway, in the middle of the night, I listen to talk radio. The doctor that attended to JFK that fateful day was doing his internship and couldn't speak out for fear of being "blackballed" the rest of his career. He said JFK clearly took it from the front.

Fast forward to today.
There are concerns about martial law.
There are concerns about ISIS infiltrating our borders disguised as "refugees".
Some believe the middle easterners didn't have enough training to know how to fly the planes into the respective buildings and that it was an inside job. I almost believe that.

Our country is crumbling but we are all too busy dividing things by political party, race, sex and opinions.

Tin foil hat jokes aside, there is an agenda to bring down the United States. It is coming from above our current administration. It will occur in small, incremental "baby steps".

So there are no misunderstandings, I agree with the videos and theory you propose about Sept 11........just leave the political party stuff out of it please.

On this issue, I believe there is no political positioning. While "some" fingers are pointed at the players within the GOP, i dont think there is ANY solid proof connecting them.

I do however, believe that "WE" owe it to all those that perished on 9/11, a full investigation into what happened, even if it demonstrates that our country in some form was connected to it.

To simply accept their deaths as some simplistic terror attack involving airplanes is to surrender to supreme power.

If we just review the science involved, we can see that "WE" do not have all the answers to what happened on 9/11.

But, we will never know, unless we collectively ask questions and force the government to answer those questions.
