First off the Crusades were fought to drive out the Muslims who conquered the Middle East. Not a genocide. The actions of the KKK were not acceptable for Christians. Neither was any other example you cited. If you study the Bible you will find that relatively few will go to heaven compared to the masses who don't, including many who claim to be Christian, because they refuse to follow God's word.You DO understand that in the examples i listed of Christain Genocide that the gentle Christian folk absolutely believed they were acting in the 'Name of God" and trying to create a "paradise" ...............................right?
Concerning Native Americans. The "genocide" that happened was the overwhelming majority who died did so from diseases introduced unwittingly by whites that the natives had no natural immunity to. That worked both ways. Early white explorers brought syphilis back to Europe and it raged across the continent. Anyways the killings that took place after that was warfare where brutal tactics were employed by both sides. If it was truly genocide, as was attempted in Argentina, then our government wouldn't have created literally hundreds of reservations for Indians. But that doesn't excuse terrible acts by people who claimed to be Christians.