9/16 Republican Debate


Well-Known Member
Who gained?

I thought Trump, but Carly is the word.

I guess when you can tell bigger lies than Trump, you are the new 'Top Republican Candidate'.

Word is she is being paid to slam Hillary, because a woman can get away with it. As dirty as Clinton is, she's a saint next to Carly.

Saint? Hillary has more bodies buried then the five families. Otherwise its too early to tell on the republicans. The media still has to do its hatchet job on most candidates. This format was horrible. too long and too disorganized.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
Until we know if the equipment her company illegally sold to the Iranians was used to plan the attack, we have no idea.
They knew they were being attacked in bengazi, the powers that be sat on their hands. Americans died because they did nothing. Her and her comrades involved should be charged with murder. Snowden is wanted for treason, Hillary for president...something is seriously wrong here.


golden ticket member
All debates need a bell or buzzer to signal time's up. "Thank you senator" or "thank you governor" repeated 10 times is irritating!


Staff member
They knew they were being attacked in bengazi, the powers that be sat on their hands. Americans died because they did nothing. Her and her comrades involved should be charged with murder. Snowden is wanted for treason, Hillary for president...something is seriously wrong here.
I think you are confused.


Engorged Member
They knew they were being attacked in bengazi, the powers that be sat on their hands. Americans died because they did nothing. Her and her comrades involved should be charged with murder. Snowden is wanted for treason, Hillary for president...something is seriously wrong here.

Is Bottom Rung your username or your ranking on IQ tests? All you know about Benghazi is what your handlers have fed you. Everything you have said is speculation, not fact, with the exception of Snowden being a fugitive.

Try doing a little research into what the CIA was really doing, and how Benghazi is a bit more involved that what Glenn and Rush are telling you. It's a weak GOP ploy to try and derail Hillary's campaign, and the GOP huxters have done their best to conflate Benghazi into something it wasn't.


Well-Known Member
Is Bottom Rung your username or your ranking on IQ tests? All you know about Benghazi is what your handlers have fed you. Everything you have said is speculation, not fact, with the exception of Snowden being a fugitive.

Try doing a little research into what the CIA was really doing, and how Benghazi is a bit more involved that what Glenn and Rush are telling you. It's a weak GOP ploy to try and derail Hillary's campaign, and the GOP huxters have done their best to conflate Benghazi into something it wasn't.

you realize your entire post was an effort to insult the person rather then simply telling him /her why you disagree? There were signs with the Benghazi cover up that the government was actually trying to cover something up :-)) ). An objective analysis would tell anyone as much. There is a history with governments regardless of the political affiliations of engaging in shady activities and trying to cover them up. An argument can be made that both parties have done so repeatedly throughout history. With that in mind is it really necessary to defend this particular shady episode simply because its your party that engaged in the stench producing activity? You made a comment to me previously about fighting the aristocracy, Is this not another example of the aristocracy engaging in shady goings on?


Inordinately Right
you realize your entire post was an effort to insult the person rather then simply telling him /her why you disagree? There were signs with the Benghazi cover up that the government was actually trying to cover something up :-)) ). An objective analysis would tell anyone as much. There is a history with governments regardless of the political affiliations of engaging in shady activities and trying to cover them up. An argument can be made that both parties have done so repeatedly throughout history. With that in mind is it really necessary to defend this particular shady episode simply because its your party that engaged in the stench producing activity? You made a comment to me previously about fighting the aristocracy, Is this not another example of the aristocracy engaging in shady goings on?
The problem is the issue has been beat to death a thousand times over.
At this point is there really any point in discussing it rationally?
Anyone who's still talking about it isn't interested in facts.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Carly Fiorina had some whoppers of her own to spread on the debate floor.

Lets examine an example.

I will paraphrase because there isnt an audio clip that captures my point.

She said....

"president obama pulled out of Iraq and didnt leave enough troops in the country to stop ISIS from being created" ...more...."he hasnt done enough to ARM moderate rebels in Syria to take Assad out of power"...more..." president obama has done nothing for the kurds"....

Now, lets take each section one at a time..

First, President Obama didnt sign the status of forces agreement, that determined when the USA would leave IRAQ, president BUSH did. IN that agreement, the IRAQI government INSISTED on having sole authority over criminal charges on American troops who committed war crimes. IRAQ wanted to "try" us military personnel under Iraqi law and not under the US Court Martial system. President BUSH refused to make that agreement, and Iraqi President Al Maliki then LIMITED the number of troops that could remain in Iraq, NOT PRESIDENT OBAMA.

Second, Both John McCain, and Lindsay Graham were secretly ARMING what they thought were "moderate" rebels in Syria via a CIA black ops site in Libya when the Ambassador was killed. These "moderate" rebels as the GOP calls them are now ISIS fighters under the control of Al baghdadi who WE had in custody and released without any restrictions or terrorists charges despite him having deep connections to terror groups around the world. These "moderate" rebels have no chance in defeating Assad with small arms and untrained fighters.

Third, the USA is FORBIDDEN by the Status of Forces agreement to ARM the Kurds in Iraq. President Bush AGREED to these terms and ALL weapons sent into IRAQ have to be sent to the iraqi government FIRST, and the Iraqi government will disperse the weapons as THEY see fit. This is a specific agreement between the USA and IRAQ signed by BUSH. President OBAMA cannot ARM the kurds directly yet, Fiorina believes we can simply just send weapons there.

What this demonstrates is how LITTLE a person like FIORINA knows about foreign policy.

Other GOP candidates have repeated the same claim about arming the kurds, and only rubio and paul know they cant because they are senators. The others are idiots, including Trump.

Regardless, these GOP candidates continue to say things that are NOT true and the GOP faithful eat it up like candy, but everyone knows candy is bad for you.



Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Funny how the more you lie and the angrier you get, the higher you go in the republican field...


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
The problem is the issue has been beat to death a thousand times over.
At this point is there really any point in discussing it rationally?
Anyone who's still talking about it isn't interested in facts.
Lets all not forget the GOP Motto: "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up"


Engorged Member
The problem is the issue has been beat to death a thousand times over.
At this point is there really any point in discussing it rationally?
Anyone who's still talking about it isn't interested in facts.

Great point. From Day 1, the Right has been using Benghazi as a talking/attack point on Hillary, well before she was announced as a candidate, but already the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Issa has wasted millions investigating Benghazi and the Right won't let it go, because they think it will hurt Clinton. The facts are secondary to the conflation.


golden ticket member
4 Americans die.....their families would like explanations........Hilary acts like she's being tortured. I want answers too.


Inordinately Right
4 Americans die.....their families would like explanations........Hilary acts like she's being tortured. I want answers too.
They worked for the CIA buying and selling guns in the middle east...
Gee who could have imagined anything would go wrong....
There's your answer, again, deal with it.

Why not post this tired old garbage in the Benghazi thread?