9.5 during peek


The resident gearhead
He’s on his 3rd year and I’m on my 2nd of progression. Sucks because I got hired at 18 and had to wait til 21 to even start my progression. Once we’re topped out it will be great tho
You should buy a house you can afford now. That way when you get your raises, you will actually see the extra money.


Well-Known Member
This is a serious thread. No place for you in it.


Well-Known Member
Are you telling them you want your 8 hours?
Yeah! :censored2: I want my overtime back. Now there mentioning 9.5 during peek. Least they can do is give me my guarantee.

By the way if Chicago goes on strike, does all of the Teamsters all over? Or just chicago because they are separate then master?


Well-Known Member
Yeah! :censored2: I want my overtime back. Now there mentioning 9.5 during peek. Least they can do is give me my guarantee.

By the way if Chicago goes on strike, does all of the Teamsters all over? Or just chicago because they are separate then master?

Then file a grievance if they are not giving you your guarantee.


Well-Known Member
My sup said 9hrs here and at our hub he said we need 86 drivers to do it hence we are a small center. Im in my second year off progession too and this no OT is BS i blame the crying as old head drivers for that. As far as my 8hr guarantee i 06 it every day and dgaf.

Netsua 3:16

The OT is there for you to take. Message the center when you finish your route "anybody need help or any misloads that need to be delivered"? I've literally never gotten turned down doing that.

Netsua 3:16

Ps I'm single live cheap and have a nice chunk in my account. Keep the ot, I'd rather live something resembling a normal life and make 150-200$ less a week. Bring on the 40 hr work weeks!!!! There will always be guys trying to keep up with the joneses who want those 55 hour weeks. Go hard.


Im not the Mail Man!
Now they want 9.5 during peek. This is killing me financially since I'm only in my 2nd year progression. I'm averaging 36-39 hours a week. Getting no guarantee for the hours I dont work up to 40 already. I need the hours right now or at least the raise so I can balance out. Are they really not voting the other supplements through until spring/summer? I know November 12th is the cut off for freight. Is there a cut off for supplements too?

Now I could be like sone of these other neocentric know it alls day things like “live within your means” and “suck it up” but I won’t. You’re very accurate in what you’re saying. I have over 20 years of seniority so I can come in early for OT but most can’t. Every morning my center looks like the parking lot of the Home Depot with guys looking for work.

Not sure where you are but be thankful you’re not out west in the Bay Area where rents hover above 3K. There’s some real concern setting in with the drivers seeing as out here OT is more of a necessity then a hendrence.

If this becomes the new norm, which none can say with any certainty, there will be one good thing that comes out. The “National Pay Scale” will be thrust to the forefront and many will demand that it be dealt with. Maybe not in my career but on this path it’s only a matter of time.