At our center we recently had a rural driver get on the 9-5 list and they instantly retaliated against the whole center. We used to be able to take out "mid morning" break whenever we wanted, but now it has to be before noon, no exceptions. And they are now enforcing lunch between the 3rd and 6th hour where before we could do it later on in the day. I know the contract states when we are supposed to take lunch and breaks, but this change will actually hurt management more than us.
Also, the reason he got on the 9-5 list was because he simply wanted to be home earlier to be able to see his daughter. So now management's plan is to move ALL rural route start times up 2 hours. We get our air flown in usually around 9:15 everyday and it gets shuttled out instead of already being on car. So this is an excuse for them to hold the extended drivers and screw them over, just because one person got on the list.