He could do that ... can anybody think of anything else Obama did well?
He could do that ... can anybody think of anything else Obama did well?
Yes. I would be so much happier if someone who was supposed to be here murdered my child. What a stupid argument.If your child got murdered by someone who shouldn't even be here you would think differently. You might think that will never happen, but tell that to the parents who've had it happen to them.
You're always going to have crime. To have a heinous crime committed by someone who has no legal right to be here and your government isn't doing everything possible to keep him from being here is what's ridiculous. Our crime rate in the States would drop dramatically if we root out as many as possible criminal aliens.Yes. I would be so much happier if someone who was supposed to be here murdered my child. What a stupid argument.
You are trying to say that a person who’s daughter is murdered by an undocumented individual somehow has more grief or has more justifiable rage than a parent who’s son was gunned down in the Sandyhook massacre. No way. Complete BS.You're always going to have crime. To have a heinous crime committed by someone who has no legal right to be here and your government isn't doing everything possible to keep him from being here is what's ridiculous. Our crime rate in the States would drop dramatically if we root out as many as possible criminal aliens.
check further~~
Here's some of Obama's:
Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia (Apr. 12, 2010)
20. Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya (Feb. 25, 2011)
21. Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations (Jul. 25, 2011)
22. Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen (May 16, 2012)
23. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine (Mar. 6, 2014)
24. Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan (Apr. 3, 2014)
25. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Central African Republic (May 12, 2014)
26. Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela (Mar. 9, 2015)
27. Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities (Apr. 1, 2015)
28. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi (Nov. 23, 2015)
Did he ever care about AMERICA???
Obama unilaterally declared war on Libya in 2011
Trump didn't subvert the Constitution, he used actual law that gives him the right to do what he did. The Executive branch is an equal partner with the Legislative branch. He doesn't have to get permission for everything from Congress money wise as long as he follows the law.
Trump is in much better legal standing than Obama
Obama called a National Emer when there wasn't enough $ to pay for Obamacare. Emer is like Hurricane, invasion etc, to me!
No, I'm saying it's highly unlikely that that person would have ever been murdered or raped if the government had done it's job with border security. Why is it that all the major Dems were onboard with stopping illegal immigration years ago but not now? I've seen the videos so don't tell me different. Pure and simple they were about protecting black jobs back then but now see Hispanics as the future. For the millionth time, I don't care about deporting the millions of law abiding, hard working illegal immigrants that are already here. Before the conservatives here start squawking they do essential work that most Americans don't want to do. I don't like that they put downward pressure on wages or use our social services but we'd be in a bind if we deported them all. They work. But I do care about the hundreds of thousands of crimes committed annually by illegals, many of them violent. A decent barrier not only greatly slows down new criminals coming in, but it tells the ones already here that if they're caught they will have a much tougher time returning. And it reduces further strain on our social services. You've already indicated that if not everyone is participating equally in the wealth of the country then just burn it all down. Which is as you well know what'll happen if we implement full blown socialism and overload our system with dependent people who are cared for by the state. We are already heading towards a point with automation that millions, tens of millions will be out of work. Why you want to exacerbate the problem by adding millions more can only be that you want to tear it all down. Come on, seriously, is your life that bad? Do you really want to see something akin to Venezuela here? Really?You are trying to say that a person who’s daughter is murdered by an undocumented individual somehow has more grief or has more justifiable rage than a parent who’s son was gunned down in the Sandyhook massacre. No way. Complete BS.
The National Emergencies Act oh foolish one. Look it up. Enlighten yourself.LOL, do you even listen to yourself? Tell me o wise one, which law is it that allows him to take money appropriated by congress for some particular purpose and use it how ever he wants not related to the original appropriation?
The National Emergencies Act oh foolish one. Look it up. Enlighten yourself.LOL, do you even listen to yourself? Tell me o wise one, which law is it that allows him to take money appropriated by congress for some particular purpose and use it how ever he wants not related to the original appropriation?
But I do care about the hundreds of thousands of crimes committed annually by illegals, many of them violent.
The National Emergencies Act oh foolish one. Look it up. Enlighten yourself.
Begging your pardon but illegals don't go to Federal prison for illegal entry. It's not even a felony. And in Texas alone they commit hundreds of thousands of crimes. Just because most illegals don't commit crime doesn't mean there isn't an element that does. And then there's the matter of drugs. I know someone will chime in about ports of entry. That's where most of what is intercepted comes in at. Doesn't mean a lot doesn't come in between ports of entry. Border patrol agents do catch plenty hiking through the desert with backpacks full of drugs.And yet the crime rate of the immigrant population is almost 1/3 of what the rate committed by Native born citizens in Texas(1).
"The vast majority of immigrants in federal prison are there for crimes that only immigrants can be charged with -- illegal entry and illegal entry after removal," Tom Jawetz, the vice president for immigration policy at the Center for American Progress(2)
Illegal immigrants actually lower crime rates! "the presence of large numbers of immigrants in a neighborhood seems to lower crime rates."(3)
Please do your homework and read the literature out there! Stop letting tRump, Hannity, Jones, and Limbaugh do your thinking for you!
1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...e-crime/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d2f959ad2e9e
2. What 7 statistics tell us about immigration and crime - CNN
3. https://www.nap.edu/resource/21746/issue_brief_crime.pdf
And that you still believe in the Russian fairy tale says that the guys at the DOJ and FBI were somewhat effective in propagating this lie. Attempted coup no less.For the "National Emergency" that is only in tRumps head? The only National Emergency we have at this time is the Russian agent currently in the White House!
Agree by default even though the frequency within the USA of criminal activity by illegal aliens is less than USA citizens.You're always going to have crime. To have a heinous crime committed by someone who has no legal right to be here and your government isn't doing everything possible to keep him from being here is what's ridiculous. Our crime rate in the States would drop dramatically if we root out as many as possible criminal aliens.
I felt a great drop in intelligence and IQ level ... I didn't figure it out until I took you off Ignore!For the "National Emergency" that is only in tRumps head? The only National Emergency we have at this time is the Russian agent currently in the White House!
Begging your pardon but illegals don't go to Federal prison for illegal entry. It's not even a felony. And in Texas alone they commit hundreds of thousands of crimes. Just because most illegals don't commit crime doesn't mean there isn't an element that does. And then there's the matter of drugs. I know someone will chime in about ports of entry. That's where most of what is intercepted comes in at. Doesn't mean a lot doesn't come in between ports of entry. Border patrol agents do catch plenty hiking through the desert with backpacks full of drugs.
A small change overall but definitely dramatic if you are the oneYou're always going to have crime. To have a heinous crime committed by someone who has no legal right to be here and your government isn't doing everything possible to keep him from being here is what's ridiculous.
Our crime rate in the States would drop dramatically if we root out as many as possible criminal aliens.
And that you still believe in the Russian fairy tale says that the guys at the DOJ and FBI were somewhat effective in propagating this lie. Attempted coup no less.
How do you think they became "millions of law abiding, hard working illegal immigrants that are already here? The fact that you state, "I don't care about deporting the millions of law abiding, hard working illegal immigrants that are already here........they do essential work that most Americans don't want to do." proves you are incapable of fully understanding you position! Hurry, run to a Jones or Limbaugh podcast to see what you should say!I don't care about deporting the millions of law abiding, hard working illegal immigrants that are already here.
Our crime rate in the States would drop dramatically if we root out as many as possible criminal aliens.
Really? Which ones were about Russian collusion? Baaaaa!!!I'll believe the numerous indictments, guilty pleas and convictions!
Mindless sheep like you are destroying this great country! Unable to think for yourself. Critical thinking is beyond you!
What the hell are you going to say to St. Peter when its your time when he asks why, "did you not use the brain God gave you?"
"But he said so!" "That is what I was told!" Is that going to be your defense?