In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I feel the same, and yes I was on the picket line in 97. Let's talk about the difference between now and then. UPS is better positioned to withstand a STRIKE, with well trained SCABS ( PVD) drivers we aren't moving as much of the nation's GDP vs 1997. Amazon is a material threat to UPS and can financially impair this company. Our new president can lock us out and we wouldn't be missed. So, it is smart to begin saving our money now for a prolonged work stoppage. Did your Dad share with you that our Union only gave us a 1 time 50.00 dollar payout during our 15 day strike. After that payout the UNION strike fund went broke; they owed us another 50.00 dollars that we never received.
With the possibility of the Central States being bailed out, massive stimulus money going to the Health Care industries and the increase of package revenue over the internet due to this pandemic. Remember that this will be Carol’s first run with a Collective Bargaining agreement, also she is getting rid of most of the old guard who were involved with the 1997 fiasco.
Why would she force a “lock out”?
Remember that Hoffa is out, they will be dealing with a whole new Negotiation team. I do not see any potential major issues now from both sides that would any cause any work stoppages with the next contract coming up in two years.
UPS would be far more crippled by a strike today than 1997. Again Fed X, the Postal Service and even Amazon could not handle the shipping volume, it would effect the national economy even worst than the “97” one.
Another factor is the publicity over a nationwide strike would be beyond belief.. The Feds would have to get involved...and start snooping around in everybody’s dirty business on both sides. Hell..they just gave the parties involved over 83 billion dollars to shore up and help their pension trusts/plans..
It ain’t going to happen...
Another thing .. all these SCAB’s that you are worried about crossing a picket line is a delusion. First of all the economy is kicking in and anybody capable enough to work a semi or run a route will already have a job, the liability issues of hiring a person off the street, particularly if they are willing to risk physical harm by crossing a picket line wound be the company’s worst nightmare.
They would be morally and mentally the worst people you could hire. And be labeled SCABS for the rest of their lives, and no one respects a turncoat or traitor..
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