A bit of a necropost, but the route I'm covering is giving me fits thanks to Orion. I got 7.5 hours of training on it with a sup behind the wheel. Discovered new businesses each day I've ran it. I warned them last Friday, my 3rd day alone, about late savers and missed businesses. The sent help too late, which of course takes time in its own right, and didn't punch out til 10p. Had about 8 late savers and missed total. Would've punched after 930p even wo the off-area misload they had me attempt. Stupid. Even with the misload, if I'd had reasonable dispatching could've punched out by 8 at the latest w no help, lates, or missed. What would you (any of you) recommend to a newly-minted cover driver?
I'm on loan to another center in my building. The printers don't even work. Spent an hour printing a map and doing scab homework this morning because I figure a stitch in time saves nine. Hate doing that, but felt like I was totally winging it last Friday, ugh, and can't work that way. It's dangerous and demoralizing. Guess I still feel vulnerable since I have, what, a couple weeks seniority. Would love to see a widespread rank and file commitment to follow Orion 100% to show the company it's nonsense but not holding my breath.
Planning to talk to my loaner sup tomorrow, show him the trace I've devised, let him know my grievances with Orion, the route's sequence numbers, etc. Route has two resi bulk stops, 75-125 pieces daily between the two stops. 25-40 unique street addresses at each. Orion doesn't have an effing clue that these are secured apartments and in each case the packages must go to a central leasing office/package center. In both cases the buildings are dispersed over 2 square miles. So they're PAL'd all over the place, in the board they're listed as individual stops ... and you have to LA-resi each effing package. Lunacy.