

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You got it. You simply cannot make law based on one small religious groups view of morality.
Never inferred this at all.
If you find yourself with an unintended pregnancy and you are opposed to getting an abortion you do not have to get one.
This truth is self evident.
But a woman should not have that option taken away from her by a small group of religious zealots based on their view of morality.
Any view that is contrary to lib logic, seems to be a " religious zealot" . Does one need to be a "religious zealot" to state that abortion is a death?
BTW the results of a study done a few years ago concluded that 73% of the women polled who have had a safe legal abortion said that they have a religious affiliation.
So? I miss your point about whether abortion is right or wrong.
Moreover if the United States had undergone the same 5 fold increase in it's population since 1950 that Honduras has experienced during the same time line we would be a nation of 753 million people and chances are we would be in the same position Honduras is currently in with 60% of it's population living below the poverty line.
There you go. You speak your position.
Killing babies is the right thing to do because we would be a nation of 753 million people if we didn't .
Let's keep killing .

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Never inferred this at all.

This truth is self evident.

Any view that is contrary to lib logic, seems to be a " religious zealot" . Does one need to be a "religious zealot" to state that abortion is a death?

So? I miss your point about whether abortion is right or wrong.

There you go. You speak your position.
Killing babies is the right thing to do because we would be a nation of 753 million people if we didn't .
Let's keep killing .
Damn! You're just plain eat up with @bacha29 ! Just Daaamn!


Well-Known Member
At one week, it’s only on the verge of becoming a blastocyst.

You might want to educate yourself a bit more, you’re coming off as a dullard.

Look guy, no one is ‘pro-abortion’, it’s a difficult choice, to put it mildly.

Good for you to never have to make the choice about what’s best for your body and your future.

BTDUBS, literally no one is talking about/carrying forth with the notion that eight month old fetuses are being aborted.

That’s just fake.

Fake news.
The law in new York allows up to 9 months and they celebrating this murderous law.


Inordinately Right
You keep deflecting. Pathetic.

I know you're broke so I got you breakfast buddy.


Well-Known Member
Never inferred this at all.

This truth is self evident.

Any view that is contrary to lib logic, seems to be a " religious zealot" . Does one need to be a "religious zealot" to state that abortion is a death?

So? I miss your point about whether abortion is right or wrong.

There you go. You speak your position.
Killing babies is the right thing to do because we would be a nation of 753 million people if we didn't .
Let's keep killing .
You're another one who believes that this nation enough resources to feed clothe and house a population more than double it's current level. California is a microcosm of what is about to come. Acute shortages of affordable, prolonged drought, wild fires, water rationing over stressed public services. etc
If that isn't bad enough Brookings Institute recently released the findings of a study that concluded that if advances in AI and robotic technology continues at it's current pace 36 million American jobs could be and likely will be eliminated in the span of a decade.
So if the bible thumpers out there want to ban abortion it will be their responsibility to find the means that will enable all of those additional people to function in a world driven by advanced technology and much higher levels of knowledge and education. And what have they done thus far? Aside from quoting portions they were conditioned to memorize from old King Jim's version of what a bible should contain .....they have done little to confront the global overpopulation nightmare soon to come.


Well-Known Member
You're another one who believes that this nation enough resources to feed clothe and house a population more than double it's current level. California is a microcosm of what is about to come. Acute shortages of affordable, prolonged drought, wild fires, water rationing over stressed public services. etc
If that isn't bad enough Brookings Institute recently released the findings of a study that concluded that if advances in AI and robotic technology continues at it's current pace 36 million American jobs could be and likely will be eliminated in the span of a decade.
So if the bible thumpers out there want to ban abortion it will be their responsibility to find the means that will enable all of those additional people to function in a world driven by advanced technology and much higher levels of knowledge and education. And what have they done thus far? Aside from quoting portions they were conditioned to memorize from old King Jim's version of what a bible should contain .....they have done little to confront the global overpopulation nightmare soon to come.
And yet liberals insist on letting illegal immigrants flood north with no barrier. Kill our own, let immigrants keep coming in to take the jobs that won't be there soon, continue to stress public services. And experts are saying the world population will level out at about 9 billion, then decrease.

Frankie's Friend

You're another one who believes that this nation enough resources to feed clothe and house a population more than double it's current level. California is a microcosm of what is about to come. Acute shortages of affordable, prolonged drought, wild fires, water rationing over stressed public services. etc
If that isn't bad enough Brookings Institute recently released the findings of a study that concluded that if advances in AI and robotic technology continues at it's current pace 36 million American jobs could be and likely will be eliminated in the span of a decade.
So if the bible thumpers out there want to ban abortion it will be their responsibility to find the means that will enable all of those additional people to function in a world driven by advanced technology and much higher levels of knowledge and education. And what have they done thus far? Aside from quoting portions they were conditioned to memorize from old King Jim's version of what a bible should contain .....they have done little to confront the global overpopulation nightmare soon to come.