

Frankie's Friend

Sperm alone meets the scientific definition of life. So frankly I don't know what the point of your post was.
Is the baby living? Does growth start at conception? Sperm + egg =s conception=s baby?

That's my point.
If remedies to abort a baby at any stage stops the fundamental growth of the child at any stage then: if we are able to kill the living, growing child at any stage it's obvious to me that it was alive.
Is that what you're asking me?

Looks like NY now has different ideas about what a living human being is...at any stage of being alive.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I don't accept 'life' as a relevant criteria.

Consciousness or a sentient being.
Define "life" and maybe the question will answer itself.
Sperm alone meets the scientific definition of life. So frankly I don't know what the point of your post was.
Which was to a great extent of my post ... 'life' is not a relevant criteria.
A better threshold, in my opinion, is 'that point where the life form achieves sentience.'


Inordinately Right
Is the baby living? Does growth start at conception? Sperm + egg =s conception=s baby?

That's my point.
If remedies to abort a baby at any stage stops the fundamental growth of the child at any stage then: if we are able to kill the living, growing child at any stage it's obvious to me that it was alive.
Is that what you're asking me?

Looks like NY now has different ideas about what a living human being is...at any stage of being alive.
So you think the morning after pill is murder?

Frankie's Friend

Which was to a great extent of my post ... 'life' is not a relevant criteria.
The threshold, in my opinion, is 'that point where the life form achieves sentience.'
"Sentience" is who's eyes?
Ours or God's eyes?
If you can prove to me where the soul or spirit of a human being comes from when conception occurs and where it goes after the human being dies then I would say that you can define "life" as it pertains to humans.

Until that time I, personally, rely on faith that God creates human being, gives them "life", and is the author of their existence.

Nothing will ever change my mind on that.

Frankie's Friend

So you think the morning after pill is murder?
I'm not versed in what that pill actually does. Can you explain it to me accurately and honestly?

If the morning after pill aborts a living human from day one I would say it is murder.

Does that seem clear?

If the morning after pill is used because people dont like to use condoms then I would say that is a poor choice.

I hate to be a party pooper but since I'm not in feeders but just got up to check on letting the dog out so if you can give me a pass for a few hrs I'm going back to bed, thankful my electricity is still on. :online2lo
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
"Sentience" is who's eyes?
Ours or God's eyes?
If you can prove to me where the soul or spirit of a human being comes from when conception occurs and where it goes after the human being dies then I would say that you can define "life" as it pertains to humans.

Until that time I, personally, rely on faith that God creates human being, gives them "life", and is the author of their existence.

Nothing will ever change my mind on that.
Interesting little tangent that flared up there ... was it suppose to have any relevance to whether 'sentience' is an acceptable criteria to determine that point where a being's awareness of itself and sensation and memories of pain?

I don't think 'alive' is a valid criteria and whilst 'sentience' seems like it might be better, it may require multiple additional criteria.
I would expect there are 'better' criteria.

Frankie's Friend

Interesting little tangent that flared up there ... was it suppose to have any relevance to whether 'sentience' is an acceptable criteria to determine that point where a being's awareness of itself and sensation and memories of pain?

I don't think 'alive' is a valid criteria and whilst 'sentience' seems like it might be better, it may require multiple additional criteria.
I would expect there are 'better' criteria.

Being aware of itself is a tough one. How do you qualify that if you cant define the state of existence?
I'm not that smart and without being demeaning I seriously doubt that anyone here can either.
Good night friends. I appreciate you.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If the unrestricted right to an abortion late in the third trimester becomes a standard part of the Democratic party platform, I’ll 100% vote for every Republican on the ballot next year. This is :censored2:ing madness.

This sounds like hysteria. What set of circumstances would lead to an abortion rather than a birth once the pregnancy is in the 32+ week stage? That’s standard premature range, I don’t see many doctors advising abortion at that point absent some serious potential for death of the mother otherwise.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
This sounds like hysteria. What set of circumstances would lead to an abortion rather than a birth once the pregnancy is in the 32+ week stage? That’s standard premature range, I don’t see many doctors advising abortion at that point absent some serious potential for death of the mother otherwise.

That’s the point. It seems the proposed legislation would lower the bar from physician advisement to physician consent upon the request of the mother. All the way up to the 40th week of pregnancy.