Old Man Jingles
Rat out of a cage
With her legs up on the airShe watched it from the back seat no doubt.
Check to make sure no cooties in there
With her legs up on the airShe watched it from the back seat no doubt.
That's always an after thought.Check to make sure no cooties in there
These jokers are always talking about "values". Her parents "values", etc.so if the mommy and daddy are not religious its ok to deny her the abortion?
so if the mommy and daddy are not religious its ok to deny her the abortion?
No. It's her body and her life.
What we want is a return to moral standards where a child is taught that having premarital sex is wrong, should never be considered. Of course that won't stop it from happening but there was a time when getting pregnant before marriage had a huge stigma attached to it. If we returned to such times then helping the relative few in those situations is far more doable than supporting hundreds of thousands who get pregnant every year. Of course you've never seen a situation that you don't love throwing money at. Of course we want that kid to grow up happy and healthy. But instead of giving people escape valves we should put the onus on them to take care of their child since it was their irresponsibility that caused it to happen. If abortions are illegal and the state isn't going to support you then most likely people will be much more responsible.No. It's her body and her life. I guess you think a 15 year old should have a child, drop out of school, and ruin her future just so you can get the satisfaction of satisfying your ideology.
Perhaps the Right Wing should support childcare and other social programs that would allow such a person to have the child, and still continue their education and life. But no, that would be socialist. You people (intentional) are horribly cruel in the sense that you claim to support life, but actually are willing to do nothing if someone actually decides to have a child instead of an abortion. It's incredibly hypocritical. You'll spend a whole day filling your yard with little white crosses, but you don't do crap to actually support children who actually get born. That's BS.
If she wants to have it, that's fine too. But if you've ever met a teenage mother, or known a family in that situation, it usually doesn't turn out well.
That's the part of the Repugs platform I find repugnant.What we want is a return to moral standards where a child is taught that having premarital sex is wrong, should never be considered. Of course that won't stop it from happening but there was a time when getting pregnant before marriage had a huge stigma attached to it. If we returned to such times then helping the relative few in those situations is far more doable than supporting hundreds of thousands who get pregnant every year. Of course you've never seen a situation that you don't love throwing money at. Of course we want that kid to grow up happy and healthy. But instead of giving people escape valves we should put the onus on them to take care of their child since it was their irresponsibility that caused it to happen.
If abortions are illegal and the state isn't going to support you then most likely people will be much more responsible.
Who's legislating it? Morality begins at home, is taught, not forced. It's just doing the right thing is the accepted social norm. Putting personal gratification above all else has caused all kinds of problems.That's the part of the Repugs platform I find repugnant.
Repugs and DimwitsWho's legislating it?
Morality begins at home, is taught, not forced.
It's just doing the right thing is the accepted social norm.
Putting personal gratification above all else has caused all kinds of problems.
Kleenexes for masturbation is OTC as well.That's always an after thought.
Qwell shampoo is otc.
We Christians are experiencing just that for trying to hold to our beliefs. I'll take most people believing something is wrong to do over most people believing anything goes as long as no one is physically hurt and it's between consenting adults. There was a time when most people got married relatively young, were virgins when they got married, and believed marriage was for life. Doing away with the social norms that premarital sex is unacceptable, that abortion is wrong, that being unfaithful is wrong, that divorce is wrong, has greatly weakened families and hasn't really improved our lives at all.Repugs and Dimwits
Accepted Social Norm - That means an individual is forced to comply with social norms or suffers castigation ... not freedom
For whom?
Do you have a photo from the rear view ?
No, we just have rights over the women .Wait do men have any rights over a child before birth?
Do you have a photo from the rear view ?
RawrNo, we just have rights over the women .