It's as old as it is, makes no difference.How old do you think the earth is?
Conclusion?It is hypothesised that the accretion of Earth began soon after the formation of the calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions and the meteorites. Because the time this accretion process took is not yet known, and predictions from different accretion models range from a few million up to about 100 million years, the difference between the age of Earth and of the oldest rocks is difficult to determine. It is also difficult to determine the exact age of the oldest rocks on Earth, exposed at the surface, as they are aggregates of minerals of possibly different ages.
You are high.Knew what?
You’re black, no?
Guy, we know the age of the earth.
You are high.
If you follow your own advice you are mute.Probably just don’t reply to stuff you don’t understand, deal?
Sideways thenNo guy, I’m messing with you.
Obviously you’re white.
I’m Asian.
Don't know and are full of.
Scientist 1: This rock is 10 million years old.
Scientist 2: How do you know?
Scientist 1: Because I compared it to that rock over there that is 5 million years old and I figure it's a least twice that.
What gave it away?Obviously you’re white.
Don't know and are full of.
Scientist 1: This rock is 10 million years old.
Scientist 2: How do you know?
Scientist 1: Because I compared it to that rock over there that is 5 million years old and I figure it's a least twice that.
that's the thing about this type of science. I don't see a really good way to validate that your measure is accurate
As someone who believes the Genesis account of creation, this really makes sense .What’s the age of the earth?
You’re the expert.
What’s the answer?
The problem is that they judge an infinitely powerful and wise God in terms of naturally discoverable human knowledge.
The "apparent age" is only in terms of observed natural processes, rather than in terms of the supernatural power really used.
If a man measures the age of a rock and says the rock is a million years old, could not God have made the rock to be that old?
How old was Adam? The first man. He is one minute old but is he in diapers ? Does he look 5, 12, 16 years old?
Let's go with he is a MAN and by all human standards he is 21. But yet, he is only 30 seconds old.
As someone who believes the Genesis account of creation, this really makes sense .
If it was so easy that would be cool, brownflush would most likely grant the pass you desire.Ok.
Let’s make a deal.
You believe that, obviously, because you’re a fundamentalist Christian.
I think your nutters, but I appreciate your belief.
Sooo in our future relations, let’s just agree that we disagree, and we’ll talk about regular stuff, having moved past our fundamental axiomatic difference, agreeing not to discuss religion.
I think we both agree we’re never going to agree about Gd.
So, let’s talk about other stuff.
Ok.So, let’s talk about other stuff.
He thinks god purposefully made the Earth appear to be billions of years old.... Like for fun. Makes perfect sense.The age of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billionyears (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).
That’s what science tells us, and I have no reason to disagree.
I’m not the one who’s high...
That's been my experience, that many Christians believe, and are taught, that the Earth is about 6000-8000 years old. That dinosaurs lived in the time of man. Some go so far as to say things like the Grand Canyon were created that way by God, didn't form over eons of time. I've even had people say to me that it's a test of our faith by God as to whether we believe he created it as is or if we believe it to be millions of years old. I can believe he set things in motion. But the Earth is IMO much, much older than many Christians believe.Who said anything about 8000 years and making the anything jibe? Age of the earth? Who knows.
The problem is that they judge an infinitely powerful and wise God in terms of naturally discoverable human knowledge. The "apparent age" is only in terms of observed natural processes, rather than in terms of the supernatural power really used.
If a man measures the age of a rock and says the rock is a million years old, could not God have made the rock to be that old?
How old was Adam? The first man. He is one minute old but is he in diapers ? Does he look 5, 12, 16 years old?
Let's go with he is a MAN and by all human standards he is 21. But yet, he is only30 seconds old.